pyDEA.core.data_processing package¶
pyDEA.core.data_processing.input_data module¶
This module contains a class for storing input data.
[source]¶ Bases:
This class stores input data and provides some useful methods to add input data and to access it.
¶ set of str
set of internal codes of DMUs. All codes are assigned automatically when DMUs are added.
¶ dict of str to str
dictionary that maps internal DMU codes to DMU names provided by the user.
¶ dict of str to str
dictionary that maps DMU names to internal DMU codes. It is useful for adding new DMUs and for unit tests.
¶ list of str
list of DMU codes in the order they were added.
¶ set of str
set of all categories (input and output).
¶ dict of tuple of str, str to double}
dictionary that maps internal DMU code and category to the corresponding coefficient, e.g. {(DMU, category) : value}.
¶ set of str
set of output categories.
¶ set of str
set of input categories.
¶ int
internal variable used to generate DMU codes.
(dmu_user_name, category_name, value)[source]¶ Adds coefficient value corresponding to DMU and category to the internal data structure. Updates other containers that store DMUs and categories. If given pair of DMU and category already exist, KeyError is raised.
Parameters: - dmu_user_name (str) – DMU name.
- category_name (str) – category (input or output).
- value (double) – coefficient value.
Raises: KeyError
– if a pair of dmu_user_name and category_name has already been added before
(category_name)[source]¶ Adds given category to the set of input categories.
Parameters: category_name (str) – name of the input category. Raises: KeyError
– if category_name is not present among existing categories.
(category_name)[source]¶ Adds given category to the set of output categories.
Parameters: category_name (str) – name of the output category. Raises: KeyError
– if category_name is not present among existing categories.
pyDEA.core.data_processing.parameters module¶
This module contains methods and Parameters class responsible for parsing, storing and updating parameters from a file.
¶ str
string for regular expressions that describes valid parameter names (must start with a word character, might contain word characters and spaces).
¶ str
string for regular expressions that describes valid parameter values (must start with any non-space character).
¶ list of str
list of allowed parameter names.
¶ list of str
list of parameter names that contain data or categorical information.
[source]¶ Bases:
This class stores and manipulates all parameters needed to run DEA models. After object creation all parameter values are set to empty string.
¶ dict of str to str
dictionary of parameter names and values.
>> params = {‘DEAform’: ‘env’, ‘ReturnsToScale’: ‘VRS’}
(old_name, new_name)[source]¶ Changes a given category name to a new name in all parameter values that contain this category.
Parameters: - old_name (str) – previous category name.
- new_name (str) – new category name.
()[source]¶ Sets values of parameters from CATEGORICAL_AND_DATA_FIELDS to empty strings.
(params_from)[source]¶ Copies all parameter values from a given parameter object.
Parameters: params_from (Parameters) – parameter object from which parameter values will be copied.
()[source]¶ Returns all parameters with values as a string.
Returns: all paremeters with values. Return type: str
(param_name)[source]¶ Returns a value that corresponds to a given parameter name. If there is no such parameter name, throws KeyError exception.
>>> allParams = Parameters() >>> allParams.update_parameter('DEA_FORM', 'value1') >>> allParams.get_parameter_value('DEA_FORM') value1 >>> allParams.get_parameter_value('Param2') KeyError
Parameters: param_name (str) – parameter name. Returns: parameter value. Return type: str
(param_name, delimiter=';')[source]¶ Some of the parameters contain a set of values. Returns a set of strings with these values instead of one string.
Parameters: - param_name (str) – parameter name.
- delimiter (str, optional) – delimiter. Defaults to semicolon.
Returns: set of parsed parameter values.
Return type: set of str
(category_type, category_name)[source]¶ Removes a given parameter value from parameters.
Parameters: - category_type (str) – parameter name.
- category_name (str) – value that should be removed.
(param_name, param_value)[source]¶ Updates existing parameter in the dictionary. If parameter does not exist in the dictionary, throws exception. Parameter name and value must satisfy conditions specified by regular expressions VALID_PARAM_NAME and VALID_PARAM_VALUE.
>>> p = Parameters() >>> p.get_parameter_value('DEA_FORM') '' >>> p.update_parameter('DEA_FORM', 'new value') >>> p.get_parameter_value('DEA_FORM') 'new value' >>> p.update_parameter('param2', 'value2') KeyError >>> p.update_parameter('DEA_FORM', ' ') ValueError
Parameters: - param_name (str) – parameter name.
- param_value (str) – parameter value.
Raises: KeyError
– if a given parameter name does not belong to VALID_PARAM_NAMES.ValueError
– if a given parameter value does not satisfy regular expression given in VALID_PARAM_VALUE.
(line)[source]¶ Removes comments from a given line. Symbol # is treated as one line comment separator.
>>> extract_comment("some line") some line >>> extract_comment("line with comment # here comes comment") line with comment >>> extract_comment("# only comment is present") >>>
Parameters: line (str) – line with text. Returns: line without comment. Return type: str
(filename)[source]¶ Reads parameters from a given file. If file does not exist, the exception will be thrown. Returns Parameters object with all parameters. Does not validate parameters. Throws an exception if there are repeating parameters (all parameters must be unique). All parameters must follow convention: <param_name> {param_value}. Supports one line comments: <param_name> {param_value} # this parameter is important. If some parameters are missing, their value will be set to empty string.
Parameters: filename (str) – path to file with parameters. Only text files are accepted, but actual file extension does not matter.
Returns: parameter object with parsed parameters.
Return type: Raises: FileNotFound
– if given file does not exist.ValueError
– if file does not contain any valid parameters.
(string, expression)[source]¶ Checks if a given string matched a given regular expression.
>>> validate_string('', VALID_PARAM_NAME) False >>> validate_string('abc', VALID_PARAM_NAME) True >>> validate_string('abc something', VALID_PARAM_NAME) True >>> validate_string(' space', VALID_PARAM_NAME) False >>> validate_string(' ', VALID_PARAM_NAME) False >>> validate_string(r'\home\path\file.txt ', VALID_PARAM_VALUE) True >>> validate_string(r' \home\path\file.txt ', VALID_PARAM_VALUE) False
Parameters: - string (str) – string to check.
- expression (str) – regular expression string.
Returns: True if string meets conditions specified by a regular expression, False otherwise.
Return type: bool
(params, filename)[source]¶ Writes all parameters stored in a given Parameters object to a given file in the following format format: <param_name> {param_value}. If the file already exists, all parameters will be over-written with the new ones.
Parameters: - params (Parameters) – parameters object.
- filename (str) – file name where parameters must be written.
pyDEA.core.data_processing.read_data_from_xls module¶
This module contains functions and classes responsible for reading input data from xls, xlsx and csv files.
In xlrd when text is read from xlsx, leading white spaces are automatically removed. But when text is read from xls, they are kept.
[source]¶ Bases:
This class implements parsing of input data from csv files.
¶ list of list of str
list of rows with input data.
¶ file
file reference.
(cell)[source]¶ Checks if a given cell has blank value.
Parameters: cell (str) – cell. Returns: True if cell has blank value, False otherwise. Return type: bool
(cell)[source]¶ Checks if a given cell has non-empty value.
Parameters: cell (str) – cell. Returns: True if cell has non-empty value, False otherwise. Return type: bool
(cell)[source]¶ All cells are stored as strings, always returns True.
Returns: always returns True. Return type: bool
(cell)[source]¶ Returns cell content.
Parameters: cell (str) – cell. Returns: cell content. Return type: str
(row_index, column)[source]¶ Returns value of the cell with given row and column index.
Parameters: - row (int) – row index.
- column (int) – column index.
Returns: cell value.
Return type: str
()[source]¶ Since csv files do not support sheets, always returns empty string.
Returns: empty string. Return type: str
[source]¶ Bases:
This class implements parsing of input data from xls and xlsx files.
¶ xlrd.Sheet
open sheet where data is stored.
(cell)[source]¶ Checks if a given cell has blank value.
Parameters: cell (xlrd.Cell) – cell. Returns: True if cell has blank value, False otherwise. Return type: bool
(cell)[source]¶ Checks if a given cell has non-empty value.
Parameters: cell (xlrd.Cell) – cell. Returns: True if cell has non-empty value, False otherwise. Return type: bool
(cell)[source]¶ Checks if a given cell contain text.
Parameters: cell (xlrd.Cell) – cell. Returns: True if cell contain text, False otherwise. Return type: bool
(cell)[source]¶ Returns cell content.
Parameters: cell (xlrd.Cell) – cell. Returns: cell content (type depends on what is stored in the cell).
(row, column)[source]¶ Returns value of the cell with given row and column index.
Parameters: - row (int) – row index.
- column (int) – column index.
Returns: cell value.
Return type: str
()[source]¶ Returns a list of rows.
Returns: list of rows. Return type: list of list of xlrd.Cell
(categories, coefficients)[source]¶ Constructs proper instance of InputData from categories and coefficients.
Parameters: - categories (list of str) – list of categories.
- coefficients (dict of str to list of double) – dictionary that maps DMU name to a list with coefficients.
Returns: constructed instance.
Return type:
(data, check_value=<function fake_fnc at 0x0000023975E05510>)[source]¶ Converts given list of data to a dictionary.
Parameters: - data (list of str or double) – list where the first element is DMU name, all other elements are coefficients.
- check_value (func, optional) – function that is called on each element of the data list (except the first one) before adding the coefficient to a dictionary. Defaults to fake_fnc.
Returns: tuple with the following values:
- dictionary that maps DMU name to a list with coefficients.
- true if there are the same DMU names, False otherwise.
Return type: tuple of dict of str to list of double, bool
(reader, row)[source]¶ Constructs list of categories out of data in row.
Parameters: - reader (CSVReader or XLSReader) – object that implements interface for reading input data.
- row (list of values) – list of values stored in a row.
Returns: tuple with list of parsed categories and list fo column indexes where parsed categories were found.
Return type: tuple of list of str, list of int
(reader, row, col_indexes)[source]¶ Parses row with coefficients.
Parameters: - reader (CSVReader or XLSReader) – object that implements interface for reading input data.
- row (list of values) – list of values stored in a row.
- col_indexes (list of int) – list of column indexes where categories were found.
Returns: a tuple with DMU name, list of corresponding coefficients and column index of the first non-empty value.
Return type: tuple of str, list of double, int
(count)[source]¶ Helper function that always returns True.
(reader, row)[source]¶ Finds index of the first non-empty column.
Parameters: - reader (CSVReader or XLSReader) – object that implements interface for reading input data.
- row (list of values) – list of values stored in a row.
Returns: index of the first non-empty column.
Return type: int
(reader, row)[source]¶ Checks if at least one of the values in array contains non-empty data.
Parameters: - reader (CSVReader or XLSReader) – object that implements interface for reading input data.
- row (list of values) – list of values stored in a row.
Returns: true if at least one of the values in array contains non-empty data, false otherwise.
Return type: bool
(file_name, sheet_name='')[source]¶ Reads data from a given file.
Parameters: - file_name (str) – path to file with input data.
- sheet_name (str, optional) – name of the excel sheet where data is stored. Defaults to empty string. If it is not given, data is read from the first sheet.
Returns: tuple with the following components:
- list of categories (first non-empty row is considered to be a list of categories);
- list where the first element is DMU name, all other elements are coefficients;
- name of all DMUs if specified;
- name of sheet where data was read from.
Return type: tuple of list of str, list of str, str, str
DMUs and categories can be strings or numbers, so returned types depend on these types.
(categories, coefficients)[source]¶ Checks if given data is valid.
Parameters: - categories (list of str) – list of categories.
- coefficients (dict of str to list of double) – dictionary that maps DMU name to a list with coefficients.
Returns: True if data in categories and coefficients is valid, False otherwise.
Return type: bool
pyDEA.core.data_processing.save_data_to_file module¶
This module implements function to write data to xls file.
(output_file)[source]¶ Creates a proper instance of data file writer depending on file extension. Supported formats are: xls, xslx and csv.
Parameters: output_file (str) – file name. Returns: created data file writer instance. Return type: (xlwt.Workbook, XlsxWorkbook or OneCsvWriter) Raises: ValueError
– if a file with not supported extension was provided.
(data_file, categories, data, sheet_name='Data')[source]¶ Writes input data to xls-file.
Parameters: - data_file (str) – name of new or existing file where data will be written.
- categories (list of str) – the first line that will be written to file, it must contain category names and might also contain name of DMUs as the first element.
- data (list of list of int, float or str) –
list with data, for example
>> data = [[‘A’, 1, 2, 3], [‘B’, 2, “a”, 5], [‘C’, 0]]
- sheet_name (str, optional) – name of the sheet where the data will be written, if the existing sheet name is specified, data will be overwritten on this sheet, defaults to “Data”.
Raises: ValueError
– if sheet_name is empty string or None, or any empty value for xls and xlsx files.
pyDEA.core.data_processing.solution module¶
This module contains classes that implement various objects for storing solutions.
¶ int
global variable used for generating solution IDs.
(input_data)[source]¶ Bases:
This class implements basic solution.
¶ int
solution ID.
¶ str
problem orientation, can take values input or output.
¶ InputData
object that stores input data.
¶ dict of str to double
dictionary that maps DMU code to efficiency spyDEA.core.
¶ dict of str to pulp.LpStatus
dictionary that maps DMU code to LP status (optimal, unbounded, etc).
¶ dict of str to dict of str to double
dictionary that maps DMU code to another dictionary that maps input category name to value of dual variable.
¶ dict of str to dict of str to double
dictionary that maps DMU code to another dictionary that maps output category name to value of dual variable.
¶ dict of str to str
dictionary that maps DMU code to the return-to-scale of the DMU
Parameters: input_data (InputData) – object that stores input data. -
(dmu_code, efficiency_score)[source]¶ Adds efficiency score of a given DMU to internal data structure.
Parameters: - dmu_code (str) – DMU code.
- efficiency_score (double) – efficiency spyDEA.core.
Raises: ValueError
– if dmu_code does not exist or has invalid value.
(dmu_code, input_category, dual_value)[source]¶ Adds value of a dual variable associated with a given input category and DMU code to internal data structure.
Parameters: - dmu_code (str) – DMU code.
- input_category (str) – input category name.
- dual_value (double) – value of a dual variable.
Raises: ValueError
– if a given category is not a valid input category.
(dmu_code, variables)[source]¶ Adds lambda variables corresponding to a given DMU to pickled file.
Parameters: - dmu_code (str) – DMU code.
- variables (dict of str to double) – dictionary that maps DMU codes to the corresponding value of lambda variables.
Raises: ValueError
– if DMU code does not exist or if number of lambda variables is not equal to total number of DMU codes, or if variables contain keys that are not existing DMU codes.
(dmu_code, lp_status)[source]¶ Adds LP status corresponding to a given DMU to internal data structure.
Parameters: - dmu_code (str) – DMU code.
- lp_status (pulp.LpStatus) – LP status.
(dmu_code, output_category, dual_value)[source]¶ Adds value of a dual variable associated with a given output category and DMU code to internal data structure.
Parameters: - dmu_code (str) – DMU code.
- output_category (str) – output category name.
- dual_value (double) – value of a dual variable.
Raises: ValueError
– if a given category is not a valid output category.
(dmu_code)[source]¶ Returns efficiency score of a given DMU.
Parameters: dmu_code (str) – DMU code. Returns: efficiency spyDEA.core. Return type: double
(dmu_code, input_category)[source]¶ Returns dual variable value corresponding to a given DMU and input category.
Parameters: - dmu_code (str) – DMU code.
- input_category (str) – input category name.
Returns: dual variable value.
Return type: double
(dmu_code)[source]¶ Returns lambda variables corresponding to a given DMU.
Parameters: dmu_code (str) – DMU code. Returns: lambda variables. Return type: dict of str to double
(dmu_code, output_category)[source]¶ Returns dual variable value corresponding to a given DMU and output category.
Parameters: - dmu_code (str) – DMU code.
- output_category (str) – output category name.
Returns: dual variable value.
Return type: double
(dmu_code, lambda_variables=None)[source]¶ Checks if a given DMU is efficient.
Parameters: - dmu_code (str) – DMU code.
- lambda_variables (dict of str to double, optional) – dictionary that maps DMU codes to the corresponding value of lambda variables. If it is not given, it will be loaded from a pickled file.
Returns: True if a given DMU is efficient, False otherwise.
Return type: bool
(input_data)[source]¶ Bases:
This class redefines one method of
to accept efficiency scores greater than 1.-
(dmu_code, lambda_variables=None)[source]¶ Returns True if a given DMU is efficient, False otherwise.
We have to redefine this method in the case of super efficiency, because now any DMU with efficiency score >= 1 is considered efficient.
Parameters: - dmu_code (str) – internal code of DMU.
- lambda_variables (dict of str to double, optional) – dictionary that maps DMU codes to the corresponding value of lambda variables. It is ignored in this class.
Returns: True if a given DMU is efficient, False otherwise.
Return type: bool
>>> s = SolutionWithSuperEfficiency() >>> s.add_efficiency_score('dmu_1', 1.2) >>> s.is_efficient('dmu_1') True >>> s.add_efficiency_score('dmu_2', 0.5) >>> s.is_efficient('dmu_2') False >>> s.add_efficiency_score('dmu_3', 0.9999999) >>> s.is_efficient('dmu_3') False
(model_solution)[source]¶ Bases:
This class decorate Solution with VRS variables to store their values for VRS DEA models.
¶ Solution
solution that should be decorated with VRS variables.
¶ dict of str to double
dictionary that maps DMU code to VRS variable value.
Parameters: model_solution (Solution) – solution that should be decorated with VRS variables. -
(dmu_code, value)[source]¶ Adds VRS variable value corresponding to a given DMU to internal data structure.
Parameters: - dmu_code (str) – DMU code.
- value (double) – value of the VRS variable.
pyDEA.core.data_processing.solution_text_writer module¶
This model contains classes used for writing one page of a solution to a file.
(file_name)[source]¶ Bases:
This class is used for writing data to a csv file.
¶ str
name of the file to create.
¶ TxtOneFileWriter
TxtOneFileWriter object which is responsible to filling csv file with data.
Parameters: file_name (str) – name of the file to create. -
(name)[source]¶ Creates a csv file.
Parameters: name (str) – this parameter is ignored.
This argument is ignored, the file name given in class consructor is used.
Returns: SolutionTextWriter object that is responsible for filling this file with data. Return type: SolutionTextWriter
(delimiter, write_fnc)[source]¶ Bases:
This class implements generic utility to write formatted data to a given output (usually file, but could be anything that implements a particular interface). Data is written row by row and column by column, as a table.
¶ int
index of current row.
¶ int
index of current column.
¶ str
delimiter used to separate columns.
Rows are separated by end of line symbol.
¶ callable
function that takes one string argument which should be written to a given output, and writes this argument to that output.
¶ str
name of the solution page (i.e. EfficiencyScores, Parameters,...). Name is usually changed by the user or another function manually, for example see module write_data_to_xls.
Parameters: - delimiter (str) – delimiter used to separate columns.
- write_fnc (callable) – function that takes one string argument which should be written to a given output, and writes this argument to that output.
(row_index, column_index, data)[source]¶ Writes given data to an output (usually file).
When using this function, rows and columns must be specified in order, i.e. you can call write(0, 0, ‘data’), then write(1, 0, ‘data’). But you cannot call write(2, 0, ‘data’), and then write(0, 0, ‘data’). Data should be written row by row and column by column.
Parameters: - row_index (int) – index of the row where data must be written.
- column_index (int) – index of the column where data must be written.
- data (str or float) –
data that will be written.
data will be formatted before writing, see function format_data.
>>> writer = SolutionTextWriter(';', write_fnc) >>> write(0, 0, 'a') >>> write(0, 1, 'b') >>> write(1, 0, 'c') "\na;b\nc"
(file_ref)[source]¶ Bases:
This class is a helper class for TxtWriter. It implements function write_text that writes data to a file, and it keeps reference to file.
¶ file reference
reference to file where all data is written.
Parameters: file_ref (file reference) – reference to file where all data is written. -
(folder_name)[source]¶ Bases:
This class is used for writing solution to csv. It creates a given folder where all csv files will be written and creates solution files in this folder.
¶ str
folder for csv files.
¶ list of file references
list of references to files where solution will be written.
¶ list of SolutionTextWriter
list of SolutionTextWriter objects each of which is responsible to filling one csv file with data.
Parameters: folder_name (str) – folder for csv files. -
(name)[source]¶ Creates a csv file that represents one page of the solution.
Parameters: name (str) – name of the file.
This is a temporary name. After solution is written and save is called, file will be renamed according to a solution page name (i.e. EfficiencyScores).
Returns: SolutionTextWriter object that is responsible for filling this file with data. Return type: SolutionTextWriter
pyDEA.core.data_processing.targets_and_slacks module¶
This module contains functions responsible for calculating various targets for output.
(target, radial_reduction, original)[source]¶ Calculates non-radial reduction value.
Parameters: - target (double) – DMU target value.
- radial_reduction (double) – radial reduction value.
- original (double) – coefficient corresponding to DMU and category of interest.
Returns: non-radial reduction value.
Return type: double
(dmu_code, category, data, efficiency_score, orientation)[source]¶ Calculates radial reduction for a given DMU and category.
Parameters: - dmu_code (str) – DMU code.
- category (str) – category name.
- data (InputData) – object that stores input data.
- efficiency_score (double) – efficiency spyDEA.core.
- orientation (str) – problem orientation, can take values input or output.
Returns: radial reduction value.
Return type: double
(category, lambda_vars, coefficients)[source]¶ Returns a target value for a given category.
Parameters: - category (str) – category name.
- lambda_vars (dict of str to double) – dictionary that maps DMU codes to the corresponding value of lambda variables.
- coefficients (dict of tuple of str, str to double}) – dictionary that maps internal DMU code and category to the corresponding coefficient, e.g. {(DMU, category) : value}.
Returns: target value.
Return type: double
pyDEA.core.data_processing.write_data_to_xls module¶
This module contains functions and classes responsible for writing solutions into different outputs (files, screen, GUI, etc). All names start with XLS because originally only xls-files were supported.
if new methods for writing output are added, they MUST follow the rule: data must be added sequentially, row after row, column after column.
(ranks)[source]¶ Bases:
Writes information about peel the onion solution to a given output.
¶ list of dict of str to double
list that contains dictionaries that map DMU code to peel the onion rank.
Parameters: ranks (list of dict of str to double) – list that contains dictionaries that map DMU code to peel the onion rank. -
(work_sheet, solution, start_row_index, params_str)[source]¶ Writes information about peel the onion solution to a given output.
Parameters: - work_sheet – object that has name attribute and implements write method, it actually writes data to some output (like file, screen, etc.).
- solution (Solution) – solution.
- start_row_index (int) – initial row index (usually used to append data to existing output).
- params_str (str) – string that is usually written in the first row.
Returns: index of the last row where data were written plus 1.
Return type: int
(categorical=None)[source]¶ Bases:
Writes various solution information to a given output, and adds categorical information if necessary.
¶ str
name of categorical category.
Parameters: categorical (str) – name of categorical category. -
(work_sheet, solution, start_row_index, params_str)[source]¶ Writes efficiency scores to a given output.
Parameters: - work_sheet – object that has name attribute and implements write method, it actually writes data to some output (like file, screen, etc.).
- solution (Solution) – solution.
- start_row_index (int) – initial row index (usually used to append data to existing output).
- params_str (str) – string that is usually written in the first row.
Returns: index of the last row where data were written plus 1.
Return type: int
(work_sheet, solution, start_row_index, params_str)[source]¶ Writes input and output weights to a given output.
Parameters: - work_sheet – object that has name attribute and implements write method, it actually writes data to some output (like file, screen, etc.).
- solution (Solution) – solution.
- start_row_index (int) – initial row index (usually used to append data to existing output).
- params_str (str) – string that is usually written in the first row.
Returns: index of the last row where data were written plus 1.
Return type: int
(work_sheet, solution, get_multiplier, sheet_name, start_row_index, params_str)[source]¶ Writes input and output weights or weighted data to a given output depending on input parameters.
Parameters: - work_sheet – object that has name attribute and implements write method, it actually writes data to some output (like file, screen, etc.).
- solution (Solution) – solution.
- get_multiplier (func) – function that scales weights.
- sheet_name (str) – name that will be written into the name attribute of work_sheet.
- start_row_index (int) – initial row index (usually used to append data to existing output).
- params_str (str) – string that is usually written in the first row.
Returns: index of the last row where data were written plus 1.
Return type: int
(work_sheet, solution, start_row_index, params_str)[source]¶ Writes targets to a given output.
Parameters: - work_sheet – object that has name attribute and implements write method, it actually writes data to some output (like file, screen, etc.).
- solution (Solution) – solution.
- start_row_index (int) – initial row index (usually used to append data to existing output).
- params_str (str) – string that is usually written in the first row.
Returns: index of the last row where data were written plus 1.
Return type: int
(work_sheet, solution, start_row_index, params_str)[source]¶ Writes weighted data to a given output.
Parameters: - work_sheet – object that has name attribute and implements write method, it actually writes data to some output (like file, screen, etc.).
- solution (Solution) – solution.
- start_row_index (int) – initial row index (usually used to append data to existing output).
- params_str (str) – string that is usually written in the first row.
Returns: index of the last row where data were written plus 1.
Return type: int
(params, run_date, total_seconds)[source]¶ Bases:
Writes parameters to a given output.
¶ Parameters
¶ datetime
date and time when the problem was solved.
¶ float
time (in seconds) needed to solve the problem.
Parameters: - params (Parameters) – parameters.
- run_date (datetime) – date and time when the problem was solved.
- total_seconds (float) – time (in seconds) needed to solve the problem.
(work_sheet, solution, start_row_index, params_str)[source]¶ Writes parameters to a given output.
Parameters: - work_sheet – object that has name attribute and implements write method, it actually writes data to some output (like file, screen, etc.).
- solution (Solution) – solution.
- start_row_index (int) – initial row index (usually used to append data to existing output).
- params_str (str) – string that is usually written in the first row.
Returns: index of the last row where data were written plus 1.
Return type: int
(params, writer, run_date, total_seconds, worksheets=None, ranks=None, categorical=None)[source]¶ Bases:
This class is responsible for writing solution information into a given output.
¶ Parameters
¶ object that contains several objects that have name attribute and implement write method, it actually writes data to some output (like file, screen, etc.).
¶ list of dict of str to double
list that contains dictionaries that map DMU code to peel the onion rank.
¶ str
name of categorical category.
¶ datetime
date and time when the problem was solved.
¶ float
time (in seconds) needed to solve the problem.
¶ XLSSheetWithParameters
object that writes parameters to a given output.
¶ list of func
list of functions that will be called to write solution information to a given output.
¶ list of int
list of start row indexes for each element in worksheets.
¶ list of func
contains None references in the beginning, but after at least one call to write_data method contains a copy of worksheets. It is necessary for appending data to the same output.
¶ bool
if set to true parameters are written to a given output. It ensures that we don’t write parameters more than once if we should append information to the same output.
Parameters: - params (Parameters) – parameters.
- writer – object that contains several objects that have name attribute and implement write method, it actually writes data to some output (like file, screen, etc.).
- run_date (datetime) – date and time when the problem was solved.
- total_seconds (float) – time (in seconds) needed to solve the problem.
- worksheets (list of func, optional) – list of functions that will be called to write solution information to a given output. Defaults to None.
- ranks (list of dict of str to double, optional) – list that contains dictionaries that map DMU code to peel the onion rank. Defaults to None.
- categorical (str, optional) – name of categorical category. Defaults to None.
()[source]¶ Returns a default list of functions that will be called to write solution information to a given output.
Returns: list of functions. Return type: list of func
(solution, params_str='', progress_recorder=<pyDEA.core.utils.progress_recorders.NullProgress object at 0x000002397784AF98>)[source]¶ Writes given solution to a given output.
Parameters: - solution (Solution) – solution.
- params_str (str, optional) – string that is usually written in the first row. Defaults to empty string.
- progress_recorder (NullProgress, optional) – object that shows progress with writing solution to a given output. Defaults to NullProgress.
(work_sheet, solution, start_row_index, params_str)[source]¶ Writes peer counts to a given output.
Parameters: - work_sheet – object that has name attribute and implements write method, it actually writes data to some output (like file, screen, etc.).
- solution (Solution) – solution.
- start_row_index (int) – initial row index (usually used to append data to existing output).
- params_str (str) – string that is usually written in the first row.
Returns: index of the last row where data were written plus 1.
Return type: int
(work_sheet, solution, start_row_index, params_str)[source]¶ Writes peers to a given output.
Parameters: - work_sheet – object that has name attribute and implements write method, it actually writes data to some output (like file, screen, etc.).
- solution (Solution) – solution.
- start_row_index (int) – initial row index (usually used to append data to existing output).
- params_str (str) – string that is usually written in the first row.
Returns: index of the last row where data were written plus 1.
Return type: int
pyDEA.core.data_processing.xlsx_workbook module¶
This module contains classes responsible for wrapping openpyxl functionality for creating xlsx files.
(worksheet)[source]¶ Bases:
This class wraps openpyxl work sheet so that it can be used by xls writer class.
¶ str
work sheet name.
¶ openpyxl work sheet
worksheet to wrap.
Parameters: worksheet (openpyxl work sheet) – worksheet to wrap. -
[source]¶ Bases:
This class wraps openpyxl workbook so it can be used by xls writer class.
¶ openpyxl workbook
¶ int
number of added work sheets.