Source code for pyDEA.core.data_processing.save_data_to_file

''' This module implements function to write data to xls file.

import xlwt
import xlrd
import os

from pyDEA.core.data_processing.xlsx_workbook import XlsxWorkbook
from pyDEA.core.data_processing.solution_text_writer import OneCsvWriter

[docs]def create_workbook(output_file): ''' Creates a proper instance of data file writer depending on file extension. Supported formats are: xls, xslx and csv. Args: output_file (str): file name. Returns: (xlwt.Workbook, XlsxWorkbook or OneCsvWriter): created data file writer instance. Raises: ValueError: if a file with not supported extension was provided. ''' if output_file.endswith('.xls'): work_book = xlwt.Workbook() elif output_file.endswith('.xlsx'): work_book = XlsxWorkbook() elif output_file.endswith('.csv'): work_book = OneCsvWriter(output_file) else: raise ValueError('File {0} has unsupported output format'.format (output_file)) return work_book
[docs]def save_data_to_xls(data_file, categories, data, sheet_name='Data'): ''' Writes input data to xls-file. Args: data_file (str): name of new or existing file where data will be written. categories (list of str): the first line that will be written to file, it must contain category names and might also contain name of DMUs as the first element. data (list of list of int, float or str): list with data, for example >> data = [['A', 1, 2, 3], ['B', 2, "a", 5], ['C', 0]] sheet_name (str, optional): name of the sheet where the data will be written, if the existing sheet name is specified, data will be overwritten on this sheet, defaults to "Data". Raises: ValueError: if sheet_name is empty string or None, or any empty value for xls and xlsx files. ''' if ((data_file.endswith('.xls') or data_file.endswith('.xlsx')) and not sheet_name): raise ValueError('Sheet name is not specified') use_existing_file = False if os.path.isfile(data_file): use_existing_file = True if use_existing_file: work_book = create_workbook(data_file) work_sheet = None if data_file.endswith('.xls') or data_file.endswith('.xlsx'): # copy data from all sheets except the one the user modified if any work_book_to_read = xlrd.open_workbook(data_file) for sheet_index in range(work_book_to_read.nsheets): work_sheet_to_read = work_book_to_read.sheet_by_index( sheet_index) if == sheet_name: work_sheet = work_book.add_sheet(sheet_name) else: curr_sheet = work_book.add_sheet( for row_index in range(work_sheet_to_read.nrows): for col_index in range(work_sheet_to_read.ncols): curr_sheet.write(row_index, col_index, work_sheet_to_read.cell( row_index, col_index).value) if work_sheet is None: work_sheet = work_book.add_sheet(sheet_name) else: work_book = create_workbook(data_file) work_sheet = work_book.add_sheet(sheet_name) # save categories for count, category in enumerate(categories): work_sheet.write(0, count, category.strip()) # save data row_index = 1 for values in data: for col, coeff in enumerate(values): try: val = float(coeff) except ValueError: val = coeff work_sheet.write(row_index, col, val) row_index += 1