Source code for pyDEA.core.data_processing.read_data_from_xls

''' This module contains functions and classes responsible for reading
    input data from xls, xlsx and csv files.

        In xlrd when text is read from xlsx, leading white spaces
        are automatically removed. But when text is read from xls,
        they are kept.

import xlrd
import csv
import os
from collections import OrderedDict

from pyDEA.core.data_processing.input_data import InputData
from pyDEA.core.utils.dea_utils import is_valid_coeff, NOT_VALID_COEFF

[docs]def read_data(file_name, sheet_name=''): ''' Reads data from a given file. Args: file_name (str): path to file with input data. sheet_name (str, optional): name of the excel sheet where data is stored. Defaults to empty string. If it is not given, data is read from the first sheet. Returns: tuple of list of str, list of str, str, str: tuple with the following components: * list of categories (first non-empty row is considered to be a list of categories); * list where the first element is DMU name, all other elements are coefficients; * name of all DMUs if specified; * name of sheet where data was read from. Note: DMUs and categories can be strings or numbers, so returned types depend on these types. ''' just_name, extension = os.path.splitext(file_name) if extension in ['.xls', '.xlsx']: reader = XLSReader() elif extension == '.csv': reader = CSVReader() else: raise ValueError('{0} format is not supported'.format(extension)) reader.open_file(file_name, sheet_name) categories = [] coefficients = [] first_non_empty_row = True first_row_index = -1 col_to_return = -1 col_indexes = [] for row_index, row in enumerate(reader.get_rows()): if has_non_empty_cells(reader, row): if first_non_empty_row: categories, col_indexes = extract_categories(reader, row) first_non_empty_row = False first_row_index = row_index else: assert(col_indexes) dmu, coeff_values, col = extract_coefficients(reader, row, col_indexes) if col_to_return == -1: col_to_return = col tmp = [] tmp.append(dmu) tmp.extend(coeff_values) coefficients.append(tmp) dmu_name = reader.get_cell_value(first_row_index, col_to_return) if dmu_name: categories.pop(0) reader.close_file() return categories, coefficients, dmu_name, reader.get_sheet_name()
[docs]def fake_fnc(count): ''' Helper function that always returns True. ''' return True
[docs]def convert_to_dictionary(data, check_value=fake_fnc): ''' Converts given list of data to a dictionary. Args: data (list of str or double): list where the first element is DMU name, all other elements are coefficients. check_value (func, optional): function that is called on each element of the data list (except the first one) before adding the coefficient to a dictionary. Defaults to fake_fnc. Returns: tuple of dict of str to list of double, bool: tuple with the following values: * dictionary that maps DMU name to a list with coefficients. * true if there are the same DMU names, False otherwise. ''' coefficients = OrderedDict() has_same_dmus = False for values in data: if values[0] in coefficients.keys(): has_same_dmus = True coefficients[values[0]] = [float(val) for count, val in enumerate(values[1:]) if check_value(count)] return coefficients, has_same_dmus
[docs]def validate_data(categories, coefficients): ''' Checks if given data is valid. Args: categories (list of str): list of categories. coefficients (dict of str to list of double): dictionary that maps DMU name to a list with coefficients. Returns: bool: True if data in categories and coefficients is valid, False otherwise. ''' nb_categories = len(categories) if nb_categories == 0 or len(coefficients) == 0: return False for dmu, dmu_coeffs in coefficients.items(): if len(dmu_coeffs) != nb_categories: return False for coeff in dmu_coeffs: if is_valid_coeff(coeff) == NOT_VALID_COEFF: return False return True
[docs]def construct_input_data_instance(categories, coefficients): ''' Constructs proper instance of InputData from categories and coefficients. Args: categories (list of str): list of categories. coefficients (dict of str to list of double): dictionary that maps DMU name to a list with coefficients. Returns: InputData: constructed instance. ''' input_data = InputData() for (dmu, list_of_coefficients) in coefficients.items(): for count, coeff in enumerate(list_of_coefficients): input_data.add_coefficient(dmu, categories[count], coeff) return input_data
[docs]def has_non_empty_cells(reader, row): ''' Checks if at least one of the values in array contains non-empty data. Args: reader (CSVReader or XLSReader): object that implements interface for reading input data. row (list of values): list of values stored in a row. Returns: bool: true if at least one of the values in array contains non-empty data, false otherwise. ''' for cell in row: if (reader.cell_is_not_empty(cell) and reader.cell_is_not_blank(cell) or reader.is_valid_text(cell)): return True return False
[docs]def extract_categories(reader, row): ''' Constructs list of categories out of data in row. Args: reader (CSVReader or XLSReader): object that implements interface for reading input data. row (list of values): list of values stored in a row. Returns: tuple of list of str, list of int: tuple with list of parsed categories and list fo column indexes where parsed categories were found. ''' categories = [] col_indexes = [] for col, cell in enumerate(row): if reader.cell_is_not_empty(cell) and reader.cell_is_not_blank(cell): col_indexes.append(col) if reader.is_valid_text(cell): categories.append(reader.get_cell_content(cell).strip()) else: categories.append(reader.get_cell_content(cell)) return categories, col_indexes
[docs]def extract_coefficients(reader, row, col_indexes): ''' Parses row with coefficients. Args: reader (CSVReader or XLSReader): object that implements interface for reading input data. row (list of values): list of values stored in a row. col_indexes (list of int): list of column indexes where categories were found. Returns: tuple of str, list of double, int: a tuple with DMU name, list of corresponding coefficients and column index of the first non-empty value. ''' dmu = '' coefficients = [] col_to_return = -1 first_non_empty_col = find_first_non_empty_col(reader, row) for col_index, cell in enumerate(row): if col_index == first_non_empty_col: if not reader.cell_is_text(cell): dmu = reader.get_cell_content(cell) col_to_return = col_index elif reader.is_valid_text(cell): dmu = reader.get_cell_content(cell).strip() col_to_return = col_index elif col_index > first_non_empty_col: if col_index in col_indexes: if (reader.cell_is_not_empty(cell) and reader.cell_is_not_blank(cell)): if not reader.cell_is_text(cell): coefficients.append(reader.get_cell_content(cell)) elif reader.is_valid_text(cell): # try to convert to number coeff = reader.get_cell_content(cell).strip() try: val = float(coeff) except ValueError: val = coeff coefficients.append(val) else: coefficients.append('') return dmu, coefficients, col_to_return
[docs]def find_first_non_empty_col(reader, row): ''' Finds index of the first non-empty column. Args: reader (CSVReader or XLSReader): object that implements interface for reading input data. row (list of values): list of values stored in a row. Returns: int: index of the first non-empty column. ''' for col_index, cell in enumerate(row): if reader.cell_is_not_empty(cell) and reader.cell_is_not_blank(cell): return col_index
[docs]class XLSReader(object): ''' This class implements parsing of input data from xls and xlsx files. Attributes: open_sheet (xlrd.Sheet): open sheet where data is stored. ''' def __init__(self): self.open_sheet = None
[docs] def open_file(self, file_name, sheet_name): ''' Opens a given file and prepares to read data from a given sheet. Args: file_name (str): path to file with input data. sheet_name (str): sheet name. ''' book = xlrd.open_workbook(file_name) if sheet_name: sheet = book.sheet_by_name(sheet_name) else: sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0) self.open_sheet = sheet
[docs] def get_sheet_name(self): ''' Returns opened sheet name. Returns: str: sheet name. ''' return
[docs] def get_cell_value(self, row, column): ''' Returns value of the cell with given row and column index. Args: row (int): row index. column (int): column index. Returns: str: cell value. ''' return self.open_sheet.cell_value(row, column)
[docs] def get_rows(self): ''' Returns a list of rows. Returns: list of list of xlrd.Cell: list of rows. ''' return [self.open_sheet.row(row_index) for row_index in range(self.open_sheet.nrows)]
[docs] def cell_is_not_empty(self, cell): ''' Checks if a given cell has non-empty value. Args: cell (xlrd.Cell): cell. Returns: bool: True if cell has non-empty value, False otherwise. ''' return cell.ctype != xlrd.XL_CELL_EMPTY
[docs] def cell_is_not_blank(self, cell): ''' Checks if a given cell has blank value. Args: cell (xlrd.Cell): cell. Returns: bool: True if cell has blank value, False otherwise. ''' return cell.ctype != xlrd.XL_CELL_BLANK
[docs] def is_valid_text(self, cell): ''' Checks if a given cell contain valid text. Args: cell (xlrd.Cell): cell. Returns: bool: True if cell contain valid text, False otherwise. ''' return cell.ctype == xlrd.XL_CELL_TEXT and cell.value
[docs] def cell_is_text(self, cell): ''' Checks if a given cell contain text. Args: cell (xlrd.Cell): cell. Returns: bool: True if cell contain text, False otherwise. ''' return cell.ctype == xlrd.XL_CELL_TEXT
[docs] def get_cell_content(self, cell): ''' Returns cell content. Args: cell (xlrd.Cell): cell. Returns: cell content (type depends on what is stored in the cell). ''' return cell.value
[docs] def close_file(self): ''' Closes file if necessary. ''' pass
[docs]class CSVReader(object): ''' This class implements parsing of input data from csv files. Attributes: rows (list of list of str): list of rows with input data. file_ref (file): file reference. ''' def __init__(self): self.rows = [] self.file_ref = None
[docs] def open_file(self, file_name, sheet_name): ''' Opens a given file and prepares to read data from a given sheet. Args: file_name (str): path to file with input data. sheet_name (str): sheet name. ''' self.file_ref = open(file_name, 'r') rows = csv.reader(self.file_ref) self.rows.clear() for row in rows: self.rows.append(row)
[docs] def get_sheet_name(self): ''' Since csv files do not support sheets, always returns empty string. Returns: str: empty string. ''' return ''
[docs] def get_cell_value(self, row_index, column): ''' Returns value of the cell with given row and column index. Args: row (int): row index. column (int): column index. Returns: str: cell value. ''' count = 0 for row in self.rows: if count == row_index: assert column < len(row) return row[column] count += 1 return ''
[docs] def get_rows(self): ''' Returns a list of rows. Returns: list of list of str: list of rows. ''' return self.rows
[docs] def cell_is_not_empty(self, cell): ''' Checks if a given cell has non-empty value. Args: cell (str): cell. Returns: bool: True if cell has non-empty value, False otherwise. ''' return cell != ''
[docs] def cell_is_not_blank(self, cell): ''' Checks if a given cell has blank value. Args: cell (str): cell. Returns: bool: True if cell has blank value, False otherwise. ''' return cell != ''
[docs] def is_valid_text(self, cell): ''' Checks if a given cell contain valid text. Args: cell (str): cell. Returns: bool: True if cell contain valid text, False otherwise. ''' return cell != ''
[docs] def cell_is_text(self, cell): ''' All cells are stored as strings, always returns True. Returns: bool: always returns True. ''' return True
[docs] def get_cell_content(self, cell): ''' Returns cell content. Args: cell (str): cell. Returns: str: cell content. ''' return cell
[docs] def close_file(self): ''' Closes file if necessary. ''' self.file_ref.close()