Source code for pyDEA.core.data_processing.write_data_to_xls

''' This module contains functions and classes responsible for
    writing solutions into different outputs (files, screen, GUI, etc).
    All names start with XLS because originally only xls-files were supported.

        if new methods for writing output are added, they MUST
        follow the rule: data must be added
        sequentially, row after row, column after column.

import pulp
from itertools import chain
from collections import defaultdict

from pyDEA.core.utils.dea_utils import ZERO_TOLERANCE
from pyDEA.core.data_processing.targets_and_slacks import calculate_target
from pyDEA.core.data_processing.targets_and_slacks import calculate_radial_reduction
from pyDEA.core.data_processing.targets_and_slacks import calculate_non_radial_reduction
from pyDEA.core.utils.progress_recorders import NullProgress

[docs]class XLSSheetWithParameters(object): ''' Writes parameters to a given output. Attributes: params (Parameters): parameters. run_date (datetime): date and time when the problem was solved. total_seconds (float): time (in seconds) needed to solve the problem. Args: params (Parameters): parameters. run_date (datetime): date and time when the problem was solved. total_seconds (float): time (in seconds) needed to solve the problem. ''' def __init__(self, params, run_date, total_seconds): self.params = params self.run_date = run_date self.total_seconds = total_seconds
[docs] def create_sheet_parameters(self, work_sheet, solution, start_row_index, params_str): ''' Writes parameters to a given output. Args: work_sheet: object that has name attribute and implements write method, it actually writes data to some output (like file, screen, etc.). solution (Solution): solution. start_row_index (int): initial row index (usually used to append data to existing output). params_str (str): string that is usually written in the first row. Returns: int: index of the last row where data were written plus 1. ''' = 'Parameters' work_sheet.write(start_row_index, 0, 'Run date and time:') work_sheet.write(start_row_index, 1, self.run_date.strftime('%c')) work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 1, 0, 'Calculation time:') work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 1, 1, '{0} seconds'.format( self.total_seconds)) work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 2, 0, 'Parameter name') work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 2, 1, 'Value') row_index = start_row_index + 3 for param_name, param_value in self.params.params.items(): work_sheet.write(row_index, 0, param_name) work_sheet.write(row_index, 1, param_value) row_index += 1 return row_index
[docs]class XLSSheetOnionRank(object): ''' Writes information about peel the onion solution to a given output. Attributes: ranks (list of dict of str to double): list that contains dictionaries that map DMU code to peel the onion rank. Args: ranks (list of dict of str to double): list that contains dictionaries that map DMU code to peel the onion rank. ''' def __init__(self, ranks): self.ranks = ranks self.count = 0
[docs] def create_sheet_onion_rank(self, work_sheet, solution, start_row_index, params_str): ''' Writes information about peel the onion solution to a given output. Args: work_sheet: object that has name attribute and implements write method, it actually writes data to some output (like file, screen, etc.). solution (Solution): solution. start_row_index (int): initial row index (usually used to append data to existing output). params_str (str): string that is usually written in the first row. Returns: int: index of the last row where data were written plus 1. ''' = 'OnionRank' # in case of max_slacks and peel-the-onion we should not # write ranks twice if self.count < len(self.ranks): work_sheet.write(start_row_index, 0, params_str) work_sheet.write( start_row_index + 1, 0, 'Tier / Rank is the run in which DMU became efficient') work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 2, 0, 'DMU') work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 2, 1, 'Efficiency') work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 2, 2, 'Tier / Rank') ordered_dmu_codes = solution._input_data.DMU_codes_in_added_order row_index = start_row_index + 3 for dmu_code in ordered_dmu_codes: work_sheet.write( row_index, 0, solution._input_data.get_dmu_user_name(dmu_code)) if solution.lp_status[dmu_code] == pulp.LpStatusOptimal: work_sheet.write(row_index, 1, solution.get_efficiency_score(dmu_code)) work_sheet.write(row_index, 2, self.ranks[self.count][dmu_code]) else: work_sheet.write( row_index, 1, pulp.LpStatus[solution.lp_status[dmu_code]]) row_index += 1 self.count += 1 return row_index return -1
[docs]class XLSSheetWithCategoricalVar(object): ''' Writes various solution information to a given output, and adds categorical information if necessary. Attributes: categorical (str): name of categorical category. Args: categorical (str): name of categorical category. ''' def __init__(self, categorical=None): self.categorical = categorical
[docs] def create_sheet_efficiency_scores(self, work_sheet, solution, start_row_index, params_str): ''' Writes efficiency scores to a given output. Args: work_sheet: object that has name attribute and implements write method, it actually writes data to some output (like file, screen, etc.). solution (Solution): solution. start_row_index (int): initial row index (usually used to append data to existing output). params_str (str): string that is usually written in the first row. Returns: int: index of the last row where data were written plus 1. ''' = 'EfficiencyScores' work_sheet.write(start_row_index, 0, params_str) work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 1, 0, 'DMU') work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 1, 1, 'Efficiency') if self.categorical is not None: work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 1, 2, 'Categorical: {0}'.format(self.categorical)) ordered_dmu_codes = solution._input_data.DMU_codes_in_added_order row_index = 0 for count, dmu_code in enumerate(ordered_dmu_codes): row_index = start_row_index + count + 2 work_sheet.write( row_index, 0, solution._input_data.get_dmu_user_name(dmu_code)) if solution.lp_status[dmu_code] == pulp.LpStatusOptimal: work_sheet.write( row_index, 1, solution.get_efficiency_score(dmu_code)) else: work_sheet.write( row_index, 1, pulp.LpStatus[solution.lp_status[dmu_code]]) if self.categorical is not None: work_sheet.write( row_index, 2, int(solution._input_data.coefficients[ dmu_code, self.categorical])) return row_index
[docs] def create_sheet_input_output_data_base(self, work_sheet, solution, get_multiplier, sheet_name, start_row_index, params_str): ''' Writes input and output weights or weighted data to a given output depending on input parameters. Args: work_sheet: object that has name attribute and implements write method, it actually writes data to some output (like file, screen, etc.). solution (Solution): solution. get_multiplier (func): function that scales weights. sheet_name (str): name that will be written into the name attribute of work_sheet. start_row_index (int): initial row index (usually used to append data to existing output). params_str (str): string that is usually written in the first row. Returns: int: index of the last row where data were written plus 1. ''' = sheet_name work_sheet.write(start_row_index, 0, params_str) work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 1, 0, 'DMU') work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 1, 1, 'Efficiency') init_column_index = 2 if self.categorical is not None: work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 1, 2, 'Categorical: {0}'.format(self.categorical)) init_column_index = 3 categories = [] categories.extend(solution._input_data.input_categories) categories.extend(solution._input_data.output_categories) column_index = init_column_index for category in categories: work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 1, column_index, category) column_index += 1 try: solution.vrs_duals except AttributeError: pass else: work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 1, init_column_index + len(categories), 'VRS') row_index = start_row_index + 2 ordered_dmu_codes = solution._input_data.DMU_codes_in_added_order for dmu_code in ordered_dmu_codes: dmu_name = solution._input_data.get_dmu_user_name(dmu_code) work_sheet.write(row_index, 0, dmu_name) if solution.lp_status[dmu_code] == pulp.LpStatusOptimal: work_sheet.write( row_index, 1, solution.get_efficiency_score(dmu_code)) if self.categorical is not None: work_sheet.write( row_index, 2, int(solution._input_data.coefficients[ dmu_code, self.categorical])) if solution.lp_status[dmu_code] == pulp.LpStatusOptimal: column_index = init_column_index for input_category in solution._input_data.input_categories: work_sheet.write( row_index, column_index, get_multiplier(solution, dmu_code, input_category) * solution.get_input_dual(dmu_code, input_category)) column_index += 1 for output_category in solution._input_data.output_categories: work_sheet.write( row_index, column_index, get_multiplier(solution, dmu_code, output_category) * solution.get_output_dual(dmu_code, output_category)) column_index += 1 try: vrs_dual = solution.get_VRS_dual(dmu_code) work_sheet.write(row_index, column_index, vrs_dual) except AttributeError: pass else: work_sheet.write( row_index, 1, pulp.LpStatus[solution.lp_status[dmu_code]]) row_index += 1 return row_index
@staticmethod def _get_const_multiplier(solution, dmu_code, category): ''' Helper method that is used for writing input and output data to a given output. Args: solution (Solution): solution. dmu_code (str): DMU code. category (str): category name. Returns: int: always returns 1 since we don't need to scale weights. ''' return 1
[docs] def create_sheet_input_output_data(self, work_sheet, solution, start_row_index, params_str): ''' Writes input and output weights to a given output. Args: work_sheet: object that has name attribute and implements write method, it actually writes data to some output (like file, screen, etc.). solution (Solution): solution. start_row_index (int): initial row index (usually used to append data to existing output). params_str (str): string that is usually written in the first row. Returns: int: index of the last row where data were written plus 1. ''' return self.create_sheet_input_output_data_base( work_sheet, solution, self._get_const_multiplier, 'InputOutputWeights', start_row_index, params_str)
@staticmethod def _get_data_multiplier(solution, dmu_code, category): ''' Helper method that is used for writing weighted data to a given output. Args: solution (Solution): solution. dmu_code (str): DMU code. category (str): category name. Returns: int: a scale value to scale weights. ''' return solution._input_data.coefficients[dmu_code, category]
[docs] def create_sheet_weighted_data(self, work_sheet, solution, start_row_index, params_str): ''' Writes weighted data to a given output. Args: work_sheet: object that has name attribute and implements write method, it actually writes data to some output (like file, screen, etc.). solution (Solution): solution. start_row_index (int): initial row index (usually used to append data to existing output). params_str (str): string that is usually written in the first row. Returns: int: index of the last row where data were written plus 1. ''' return self.create_sheet_input_output_data_base( work_sheet, solution, self._get_data_multiplier, 'WeightedData', start_row_index, params_str)
[docs] def create_sheet_targets(self, work_sheet, solution, start_row_index, params_str): ''' Writes targets to a given output. Args: work_sheet: object that has name attribute and implements write method, it actually writes data to some output (like file, screen, etc.). solution (Solution): solution. start_row_index (int): initial row index (usually used to append data to existing output). params_str (str): string that is usually written in the first row. Returns: int: index of the last row where data were written plus 1. ''' = 'Targets' work_sheet.write(start_row_index, 0, params_str) work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 1, 0, 'DMU') work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 1, 1, 'Category') work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 1, 2, 'Original') work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 1, 3, 'Target') work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 1, 4, 'Radial') work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 1, 5, 'Non-radial') if self.categorical is not None: work_sheet.write( start_row_index + 1, 6, 'Categorical: {0}'.format(self.categorical)) ordered_dmu_codes = solution._input_data.DMU_codes_in_added_order row_index = start_row_index + 2 for dmu_code in ordered_dmu_codes: work_sheet.write( row_index, 0, solution._input_data.get_dmu_user_name(dmu_code)) if solution.lp_status[dmu_code] == pulp.LpStatusOptimal: once = True all_lambda_vars = solution.get_lambda_variables(dmu_code) for category in chain(solution._input_data.input_categories, solution._input_data.output_categories): work_sheet.write(row_index, 1, category) original = solution._input_data.coefficients[ dmu_code, category] work_sheet.write(row_index, 2, original) target = calculate_target(category, all_lambda_vars, solution._input_data.coefficients) radial_reduction = calculate_radial_reduction( dmu_code, category, solution._input_data, solution.get_efficiency_score(dmu_code), solution.orientation) non_radial_reduction = calculate_non_radial_reduction( target, radial_reduction, original) if abs(non_radial_reduction) < ZERO_TOLERANCE: non_radial_reduction = 0 work_sheet.write(row_index, 3, target) work_sheet.write(row_index, 4, radial_reduction) work_sheet.write(row_index, 5, non_radial_reduction) if once: if self.categorical is not None: work_sheet.write( row_index, 6, int(solution._input_data.coefficients[ dmu_code, self.categorical])) work_sheet.write( row_index + 1, 0, solution.get_efficiency_score(dmu_code)) once = False row_index += 1 else: work_sheet.write( row_index, 1, pulp.LpStatus[solution.lp_status[dmu_code]]) row_index += 2 return row_index
[docs]class XLSWriter(object): ''' This class is responsible for writing solution information into a given output. Attributes: params (Parameters): parameters. writer: object that contains several objects that have name attribute and implement write method, it actually writes data to some output (like file, screen, etc.). ranks (list of dict of str to double): list that contains dictionaries that map DMU code to peel the onion rank. categorical (str): name of categorical category. run_date (datetime): date and time when the problem was solved. total_seconds (float): time (in seconds) needed to solve the problem. params_sheet (XLSSheetWithParameters): object that writes parameters to a given output. worksheets (list of func): list of functions that will be called to write solution information to a given output. start_rows (list of int): list of start row indexes for each element in worksheets. existing_sheets (list of func): contains None references in the beginning, but after at least one call to write_data method contains a copy of worksheets. It is necessary for appending data to the same output. print_params (bool): if set to true parameters are written to a given output. It ensures that we don't write parameters more than once if we should append information to the same output. Args: params (Parameters): parameters. writer: object that contains several objects that have name attribute and implement write method, it actually writes data to some output (like file, screen, etc.). run_date (datetime): date and time when the problem was solved. total_seconds (float): time (in seconds) needed to solve the problem. worksheets (list of func, optional): list of functions that will be called to write solution information to a given output. Defaults to None. ranks (list of dict of str to double, optional): list that contains dictionaries that map DMU code to peel the onion rank. Defaults to None. categorical (str, optional): name of categorical category. Defaults to None. ''' def __init__(self, params, writer, run_date, total_seconds, worksheets=None, ranks=None, categorical=None): self.params = params self.writer = writer self.ranks = ranks self.categorical = categorical self.run_date = run_date self.total_seconds = total_seconds self.params_sheet = None if worksheets is not None: self.worksheets = worksheets else: self.worksheets = self.get_default_worksheets() self.start_rows = [0]*len(self.worksheets) self.existing_sheets = [None]*len(self.worksheets) self.print_params = True
[docs] def get_default_worksheets(self): ''' Returns a default list of functions that will be called to write solution information to a given output. Returns: list of func: list of functions. ''' sheet_with_categorical_var = XLSSheetWithCategoricalVar( self.categorical) worksheets = [ sheet_with_categorical_var.create_sheet_efficiency_scores, create_sheet_peers, create_sheet_peer_count, sheet_with_categorical_var.create_sheet_input_output_data, sheet_with_categorical_var.create_sheet_weighted_data, sheet_with_categorical_var.create_sheet_targets] if self.ranks: onion_rank_sheet = XLSSheetOnionRank(self.ranks) worksheets.append(onion_rank_sheet.create_sheet_onion_rank) self.params_sheet = XLSSheetWithParameters( self.params, self.run_date, self.total_seconds).create_sheet_parameters return worksheets
[docs] def write_data(self, solution, params_str='', progress_recorder=NullProgress()): ''' Writes given solution to a given output. Args: solution (Solution): solution. params_str (str, optional): string that is usually written in the first row. Defaults to empty string. progress_recorder (NullProgress, optional): object that shows progress with writing solution to a given output. Defaults to NullProgress. ''' for count, worksheet in enumerate(self.worksheets): if self.existing_sheets[count] is None: work_sheet = self.writer.add_sheet( 'Sheet_{count}'.format(count=count)) self.existing_sheets[count] = work_sheet else: work_sheet = self.existing_sheets[count] self.start_rows[count] = (worksheet(work_sheet, solution, self.start_rows[count], params_str) + 1) progress_recorder.increment_step() # parameters are printed only once to file if self.print_params: work_sheet = self.writer.add_sheet( 'Sheet_{count}'.format(count=count + 1)) self.params_sheet(work_sheet, solution, 0, '') progress_recorder.increment_step() self.print_params = False
def _calculate_frontier_classification(sum_of_lambda_values): ''' Returns string that describes frontier classification. If sum_of_lambda_values is > 1, then classification is DRS. If sum_of_lambda_values is < 1, then classification is IRS. If sum_of_lambda_values == 1, then classification is CRS. Args: sum_of_lambda_values (double): sum of lambda variables values. Returns: str: frontier classification. ''' if sum_of_lambda_values > 1: return 'DRS' elif sum_of_lambda_values < 1: return 'IRS' else: return 'CRS'
[docs]def create_sheet_peers(work_sheet, solution, start_row_index, params_str): ''' Writes peers to a given output. Args: work_sheet: object that has name attribute and implements write method, it actually writes data to some output (like file, screen, etc.). solution (Solution): solution. start_row_index (int): initial row index (usually used to append data to existing output). params_str (str): string that is usually written in the first row. Returns: int: index of the last row where data were written plus 1. ''' = 'Peers' work_sheet.write(start_row_index, 0, params_str) work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 1, 0, 'DMU') work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 1, 2, 'Peer') work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 1, 3, 'Lambda') write_classification = False if bool(solution.return_to_scale): work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 1, 4, 'Classification') write_classification = True ordered_dmu_codes = solution._input_data.DMU_codes_in_added_order row_index = start_row_index + 2 for dmu_code in ordered_dmu_codes: work_sheet.write(row_index, 0, solution._input_data.get_dmu_user_name( dmu_code)) if solution.lp_status[dmu_code] == pulp.LpStatusOptimal: lambda_vars = solution.get_lambda_variables(dmu_code) # sum_of_lambda_values = 0 once = True # for dmu, lambda_value in lambda_vars.items(): # if lambda_value: # sum_of_lambda_values += lambda_value for dmu, lambda_value in lambda_vars.items(): if lambda_value: dmu_name = solution._input_data.get_dmu_user_name(dmu) work_sheet.write(row_index, 2, dmu_name) work_sheet.write(row_index, 3, lambda_value) if write_classification and once: work_sheet.write( row_index, 4, solution.return_to_scale[dmu_code] #_calculate_frontier_classification(sum_of_lambda_values) ) once = False row_index += 1 else: work_sheet.write( row_index, 2, pulp.LpStatus[solution.lp_status[dmu_code]]) row_index += 1 return row_index
[docs]def create_sheet_peer_count(work_sheet, solution, start_row_index, params_str): ''' Writes peer counts to a given output. Args: work_sheet: object that has name attribute and implements write method, it actually writes data to some output (like file, screen, etc.). solution (Solution): solution. start_row_index (int): initial row index (usually used to append data to existing output). params_str (str): string that is usually written in the first row. Returns: int: index of the last row where data were written plus 1. ''' = 'PeerCount' work_sheet.write(start_row_index, 0, params_str) ordered_dmu_codes = solution._input_data.DMU_codes_in_added_order work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 1, 0, 'Efficient Peers') # write names of efficient DMUs first column_index = 1 for dmu_code in ordered_dmu_codes: if solution.lp_status[dmu_code] == pulp.LpStatusOptimal: if solution.is_efficient(dmu_code): dmu_name = solution._input_data.get_dmu_user_name(dmu_code) work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 1, column_index, dmu_name) column_index += 1 work_sheet.write(start_row_index + 2, 0, 'DMU') # continue line by line row_index = start_row_index + 3 nb_peers = defaultdict(int) for dmu_code in ordered_dmu_codes: dmu_name = solution._input_data.get_dmu_user_name(dmu_code) work_sheet.write(row_index, 0, dmu_name) if solution.lp_status[dmu_code] == pulp.LpStatusOptimal: column_index = 1 all_lambda_vars = solution.get_lambda_variables(dmu_code) for dmu in ordered_dmu_codes: if (solution.lp_status[dmu] == pulp.LpStatusOptimal and solution.is_efficient(dmu, all_lambda_vars)): # get is used since some lambda # # variables might not be present in categorical model! lambda_value = all_lambda_vars.get(dmu, 0) if lambda_value: work_sheet.write(row_index, column_index, lambda_value) nb_peers[dmu] += 1 else: work_sheet.write(row_index, column_index, '-') column_index += 1 else: work_sheet.write( row_index, 1, pulp.LpStatus[solution.lp_status[dmu_code]]) row_index += 1 work_sheet.write(row_index, 0, 'Peer count') column_index = 1 for dmu_code in ordered_dmu_codes: if dmu_code in nb_peers.keys(): work_sheet.write(row_index, column_index, nb_peers[dmu_code]) column_index += 1 return row_index