Running *pyDEA* from Terminal =============================== How to run *pyDEA* from terminal depends on whether you have Python 3 and all necessary packages installed, see [sec:packages]. If all packages are installed, the following should work: Go to main folder containing your *pyDEA* files and run the following: :: python3 source\refactored\ param_file output_file_format output_dir sheet_name Alternatively, ensure to use the Python 3 executable in the SupportFiles folder: :: SupportFiles\python\windows\Python33\python.exe source\refactored\ param_file output_file_format output_dir sheet_name where #. ``param_file`` is path to file with parameters (an example of parameter files can be found in ``Data/Params/``, but you can also generate your own by saving it from the *pyDEA* gui.) #. ``output_file_format`` possible values: xls, xlsx and csv. The default value is xls (optional, this value is used only if auto was set for OUTPUT\_FILE in parameters file) #. ``output_dir`` is output directory (optional, if not specified, output is written to current directory) #. ``sheet_name`` is sheet name from which data should be read (optional, if not specified, data is read from the first sheet) Note: if you want to specify the sheet name, but not the output directory use an empty string as the third argument, for example: :: python3 source/refactored/ param_file "" "" sheet_name Note: - If the file path contains spaces use quotes - | Note operating-system specific standards for file locations, etc. | Eg ``source\refactored\`` in windows but ``source/refactored/`` in linux. Sample parameter file --------------------- File ``DEA_example_data_params.txt``: :: {} {Data\DEA_example_data.xls} {} {O1;O2} {ND1} {auto} {} {} {} {} {0} {} {ND1;I2;I1} {} {both} {env} {input} packages to be installed ------------------------ Required packages for *pyDEA* - python 3 - pulp package - xlrd package: python3-xlrd - xlwt package: xlwt-future - tkinter package: python3-tk There are other packages for unit tests and documentation, but they are not required packages for running *pyDEA*. See also document PackageInstallation.docx, which has exact linux install commands.