Source code for pyDEA.main_gui

''' This module should be used for running application GUI.

import os
import traceback
import pkg_resources

from tkinter import Tk, BOTH, W, N, E, S, StringVar, PhotoImage
from tkinter.ttk import Frame, Button, Label, Style, Progressbar
from tkinter.messagebox import askyesno
from tkinter.messagebox import showerror

from pyDEA.core.utils.dea_utils import ObserverStringVar, bg_color, center_window
from pyDEA.core.utils.dea_utils import clean_up_pickled_files, get_logger, PACKAGE
from pyDEA.core.utils.run_routine import RunMethodGUI
from pyDEA.core.gui_modules.data_frame_gui import DataFrame
from pyDEA.core.gui_modules.params_frame_gui import ParamsFrame

[docs]class MainFrame(Frame): ''' This class implements main GUI of the application. Attributes: parent (Tk object): parent of this frame (Tk()). params_frame (ParamsFrame): frame with parameters. data_frame (DataFrame): frame with data and solution. progress_bar (Progressbar): progress bar widget. increment (int): progress bar increment, it is modified in other classes that are responsible for solving the problem and update progress. weights_status_lbl (Label): label that displays if weight restrictions are feasible. weights_status_str (StringVar): StringVar object used for tracking if weight restrictions are feasible. current_categories (list of str): list of current categories. Args: parent (Tk object): parent of this frame (Tk()). ''' def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs): Frame.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs) self.parent = parent self.params_frame = None self.data_frame = None self.progress_bar = None self.increment = 0 self.weights_status_lbl = None self.weights_status_str = StringVar() self.weights_status_str.trace('w', self.on_weights_status_change) self.current_categories = [] self.create_widgets()
[docs] def create_widgets(self): ''' Creates all widgets that belong to this frame. ''' self.parent.title('pyDEA') self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1, pad=5) self.columnconfigure(1, weight=0, pad=5) self.rowconfigure(0, pad=3, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(1, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(2, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(3, pad=3) self.current_categories = [] data_from_params_file = StringVar() str_var_for_input_output_boxes = ObserverStringVar() self.params_frame = ParamsFrame(self, self.current_categories, data_from_params_file, str_var_for_input_output_boxes, self.weights_status_str) data_frame = DataFrame(self, self.params_frame, self.current_categories, data_from_params_file, str_var_for_input_output_boxes) self.data_frame = data_frame data_frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=N+S+W+E, padx=15, pady=15) self.params_frame.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W+E+S+N, padx=15, pady=15, columnspan=2) lbl_progress = Label(self, text='Progress') lbl_progress.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W, padx=10, pady=5) self.progress_bar = Progressbar(self, mode='determinate', maximum=100) self.progress_bar.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W+E, padx=10, pady=5) run_btn = Button(self, text='Run', run_btn.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=W, padx=10, pady=10) self.weights_status_lbl = Label(self, text='', foreground='red') self.weights_status_lbl.grid(row=2, column=2, padx=10, pady=5, sticky=W)
[docs] def on_weights_status_change(self, *args): ''' This method is called when weight restrictions status is changed. ''' self.weights_status_lbl.config(text=self.weights_status_str.get())
[docs] def run(self): ''' This method is called when the user presses Run button. Solves the problem and displays solution. ''' clean_up_pickled_files() params = self.params_frame.params run_method = RunMethodGUI(self)
[docs] def construct_categories(self): ''' Returns current categories. Returns: (list of str): list of current categories ''' return [category.strip() for category in self.current_categories if category]
[docs] def on_dmu_change(self, *args): ''' Updates progress bar. ''' self.progress_bar.step(self.increment) self.progress_bar.update()
[docs]def ask_quit(main_frame): ''' This method is called before application is closed if there is an unsaved solution to verify if the user wants to safe solution before quitting. Args: main_frame (MainFrame): main application GUI. ''' if '*' in, option='text'): if askyesno("Verify", "Do you want to save solution before quitting?"): main_frame.data_frame.solution_tab.on_save_solution() clean_up_pickled_files() main_frame.parent.destroy()
[docs]def show_error(*args): logger = get_logger() err = traceback.format_exception(*args) logger.error(err) # show only short error message to the user without traceback showerror('Error', args[1])
[docs]def main(): ''' Runs main application GUI. ''' logger = get_logger()'pyDEA started as a GUI application.') root = Tk() root.report_callback_exception = show_error # load logo if "nt" == iconfile = pkg_resources.resource_filename(PACKAGE, 'pyDEAlogo.ico') root.wm_iconbitmap(bitmap=iconfile) else: iconfile = pkg_resources.resource_filename(PACKAGE, 'pyDEAlogo.gif') img = PhotoImage(file=iconfile)'wm', 'iconphoto', root._w, img) # change background color of all widgets s = Style() s.configure('.', background=bg_color) # run the application app = MainFrame(root) root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", (lambda: ask_quit(app))) center_window(root, root.winfo_screenwidth() - root.winfo_screenwidth()*0.15, root.winfo_screenheight() - root.winfo_screenheight()*0.15) root.mainloop()'pyDEA exited.')
if __name__ == '__main__': main()