Source code for pyDEA.core.utils.run_routine

''' This module contains classes responsible for solving a given
    data instance either through terminal or GUI.
import xlwt
import datetime
import os

from tkinter.messagebox import showerror
from tkinter import StringVar

from pyDEA.core.data_processing.read_data_from_xls import validate_data
from pyDEA.core.data_processing.read_data_from_xls import construct_input_data_instance, read_data
from pyDEA.core.data_processing.read_data_from_xls import convert_to_dictionary
from pyDEA.core.utils.dea_utils import create_params_str, auto_name_if_needed
from pyDEA.core.utils.dea_utils import get_logger
from pyDEA.core.data_processing.write_data_to_xls import XLSWriter
from pyDEA.core.data_processing.xlsx_workbook import XlsxWorkbook
import pyDEA.core.utils.model_builder as model_builder
from pyDEA.core.models.model_progress_bar_decorator import ProgressBarDecorator
from pyDEA.core.models.peel_the_onion import peel_the_onion_method
from pyDEA.core.data_processing.solution_text_writer import TxtWriter

[docs]class RunMethodBase(object): ''' This class is an abstract base class for other classes used for executing solution routine - create data instance, solve LPs, post-process solutions. '''
[docs] def run(self, params): ''' Executes solution routine - create data instance, solve LPs, post-process solutions. Args: params (Parameters): parameters of a given problem instance ''' logger = get_logger()'Started solving given DEA model(s).')'Parameters: %s', params.get_all_params_as_string()) categories = self.get_categories() coefficients, has_same_dmus = self.get_coefficients() if has_same_dmus: self.show_error('Some DMUs have the same name') else: if validate_data(categories, coefficients): try: self.validate_weights_if_needed() # MUST be called # before model_builder, because it might # update parameters model_input = construct_input_data_instance(categories, coefficients) models, all_params = model_builder.build_models(params, model_input) self.init_before_run(len(models), coefficients) solutions = [] state = True param_strs = [] all_ranks = [] run_date = start_time = for count, model_obj in enumerate(models): model = self.decorate_model(model_obj) call_peel_the_onion = params.get_parameter_value( 'PEEL_THE_ONION') if call_peel_the_onion: model_solution, ranks, state = ( peel_the_onion_method(model)) all_ranks.append(ranks) else: model_solution = str_to_write = create_params_str(all_params[count]) param_strs.append(str_to_write) solutions.append(model_solution) try: solutions.append(model.second_solution) param_strs.append(str_to_write + ' second phase') except AttributeError: pass end_time = diff = end_time - start_time total_seconds = diff.total_seconds() if params.get_parameter_value('RETURN_TO_SCALE') == 'both': derive_returns_to_scale_classification(param_strs, solutions) self.post_process_solutions(solutions, params, param_strs, all_ranks, run_date, total_seconds) if state is False: self.show_error('For one of the runs of the ' 'peel-the-onion problem is infeasible' ' or unbounded') self.show_success() except Exception as excinfo: self.show_error(excinfo) else:'Given DEA model(s) successfully solved.') else: self.show_error('Some of the input data is not correct')
[docs] def get_categories(self): ''' Returns current categories. Returns: (list of str): list of current categories ''' raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_coefficients(self): ''' Returns problem data coefficients. Returns: (dict of str to list of double): dictionary that maps DMU code to the list of coefficients. Coefficients must appear in the same order as categories. ''' raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def show_error(self, message): ''' Displays error message. Args: message (str): error message ''' raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def validate_weights_if_needed(self): ''' Validates weight restrictions if they are present. This method might update parameters, hence, it MUST be called before model_builder. ''' raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def init_before_run(self, nb_models, coefficients): ''' Initialises appropriate data structures before solving LPs, implementation depends on a concrete class. Args: nb_models (int): number of models, can take values 1, 2 or 4. coefficients (dict of str to list of float): dictionary that maps DMU code to the list of coefficients ''' raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def decorate_model(self, model_obj): ''' This method is called after a model has been created, implementation depends on a concrete class. Args: model_obj (ModelBase or any of its derivatives): model Returns: (ModelBase or any of its derivatives): decorated model ''' raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def post_process_solutions(self, solutions, params, param_strs, all_ranks, run_date, total_seconds): ''' Post-processes solutions, implementation depends on a concrete class. Args: solutions (list of Solution): list of obtained solutions. params (Parameter): parameters. param_strs (list of str): list of strings that describe each model. all_ranks (list of dict of str to double): list that contains dictionaries that map DMU code to peel the onion rank. run_date (datetime): date and time when the problem was solved. total_seconds (float): time (in seconds) needed to solve the problem. ''' raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def show_success(self): ''' By default does not do anything, but can be redefined by child classes to show a message that the execution was successful. ''' pass
[docs]class RunMethodTerminal(RunMethodBase): ''' This class implements running routing from terminal. Attributes: params (Parameters): parameters. sheet_name_usr (str): sheet name from which input data must be read. output_dir (str): path to directory where solution must be stored. output_format (str): file extension for solution files. data (list of str): list where the first element is DMU name, all other elements are coefficients. Args: params (Parameters): parameters. sheet_name_usr (str): sheet name from which input data must be read. output_format (str): file extension for solution files. output_dir (str, optional): path to directory where solution must be stored. If not given, solution will be stored to current directory. ''' def __init__(self, params, sheet_name_usr, output_format, output_dir=''): self.params = params self.sheet_name_usr = sheet_name_usr self.output_dir = output_dir self.output_format = output_format = []
[docs] def get_categories(self): ''' See base class. ''' categories,, dmu_name, sheet_name = read_data( self.params.get_parameter_value('DATA_FILE'), self.sheet_name_usr) return categories
[docs] def get_coefficients(self): ''' See base class. ''' return convert_to_dictionary(
[docs] def show_error(self, message): ''' See base class. ''' logger = get_logger() logger.error(message) print(message)
[docs] def validate_weights_if_needed(self): ''' See base class. ''' pass
[docs] def init_before_run(self, nb_models, coefficients): ''' See base class. ''' pass
[docs] def decorate_model(self, model_obj): ''' See base class. ''' return model_obj
[docs] def show_success(self): ''' Displays success message on screen. ''' print('*************************************') print('Successfully solved given DEA models.')
[docs] def post_process_solutions(self, solutions, params, param_strs, all_ranks, run_date, total_seconds): ''' See base class. ''' output_file = auto_name_if_needed(self.params, self.output_format, self.output_dir) if output_file: categorical = self.params.get_parameter_value( 'CATEGORICAL_CATEGORY') if not categorical.strip(): categorical = None if output_file.endswith('.xls'): work_book = xlwt.Workbook() elif output_file.endswith('.xlsx'): work_book = XlsxWorkbook() elif output_file.endswith('.csv'): work_book = TxtWriter(os.path.splitext(output_file)[0]) else: raise ValueError('File {0} has unsupported output format'.format (output_file)) writer = XLSWriter(self.params, work_book, run_date, total_seconds, ranks=all_ranks, categorical=categorical) try: for count, sol in enumerate(solutions): writer.write_data(sol, param_strs[count]) except ValueError: work_book = TxtWriter(os.path.splitext(output_file)[0]) writer = XLSWriter(self.params, work_book, run_date, total_seconds, ranks=all_ranks, categorical=categorical) for count, sol in enumerate(solutions): writer.write_data(sol, param_strs[count])
[docs]class RunMethodGUI(RunMethodBase): ''' This class implements running routing from GUI. Attributes: frame (Tk Frame): main GUI frame. current_dmu (StringVar): StringVar object that tracks when when DMU changes during solution process. increment (double): progress bar increment. Args: frame (Tk Frame): main GUI frame. ''' def __init__(self, frame): self.frame = frame self.current_dmu = None self.increment = 0
[docs] def get_categories(self): ''' See base class. ''' return self.frame.construct_categories()
[docs] def get_coefficients(self): ''' See base class. ''' return self.frame.data_frame.data_tab.read_coefficients()
[docs] def show_error(self, message): ''' See base class. ''' logger = get_logger() logger.error(message) showerror('Error', message)
[docs] def validate_weights_if_needed(self): ''' See base class. ''' self.frame.params_frame.weight_tab.on_validate_weights()
[docs] def init_before_run(self, nb_models, coefficients): ''' See base class. ''' current_dmu = StringVar() current_dmu.trace('w', self.frame.on_dmu_change) self.current_dmu = current_dmu self.increment = 100 / (len(coefficients) * nb_models) self.frame.progress_bar['value'] = 0
[docs] def decorate_model(self, model_obj): ''' See base class. ''' model = ProgressBarDecorator(model_obj, self.current_dmu) self.frame.increment = self.increment return model
[docs] def post_process_solutions(self, solutions, params, param_strs, all_ranks, run_date, total_seconds): ''' See base class. ''' categorical = params.get_parameter_value('CATEGORICAL_CATEGORY') if not categorical.strip(): categorical = None data_file = self.frame.data_frame.data_tab.get_data_file_name() self.frame.data_frame.solution_tab.update_data_file_name(data_file) if '*' not in data_file: params.update_parameter('DATA_FILE', data_file) self.frame.progress_bar['value'] = 100 self.frame.data_frame.solution_tab.show_solution(solutions, params, param_strs, run_date, total_seconds, ranks=all_ranks, categorical= categorical)
[docs]def derive_returns_to_scale_classification(param_strs, solutions): ''' Add a dictionary that describes the DMUs' returns-to-scale classification to the solution object. Note that for a given orientation (intput or ouput), the returns-to-scale of a DMU is the same for both the CRS and the VRS models. See the following algorithm for more detail: For a DMUo If CRSeff of DMUo = VRSeff of DMUo then classify DMUo as CRS Else If sum of DMUo’s CRS lambdas < 1 then classify DMUo as IRS Else classify DMUo as DRS Args: param_strs (list of str): list of strings that describe each model. solutions (list of Solution): list of obtained solutions. Returns: RTS_classification (dict of dmu_code (str) to classification (str)): indicate frontier for the DMUs. ''' for orientation in ["input orientation", "output orientation"]: solution_crs = None solution_vrs = None RTS_classification = dict() for count, param_str in enumerate(param_strs): if param_str == orientation + ", CRS": solution_crs = solutions[count] solution_crs_count = count elif param_str == orientation + ", VRS": solution_vrs = solutions[count] solution_vrs_count = count else: pass if solution_crs is None or solution_vrs is None: # if we cannot find both the crs and vrs model, then continue to # the next iteration continue ordered_dmu_codes = solution_crs._input_data.DMU_codes_in_added_order for dmu_code in ordered_dmu_codes: # check dmu_code exist in both solutions if solution_crs._input_data.DMU_code_to_user_name[dmu_code] != solution_vrs._input_data.DMU_code_to_user_name[dmu_code]: raise Exception("Cannot find DMU" + solution_vrs._input_data.DMU_code_to_user_name[dmu_code] + "in the VRS model") if solution_crs.efficiency_scores[dmu_code] == solution_vrs.efficiency_scores[dmu_code]: RTS_classification[dmu_code] = 'CRS' else: all_lambda_vars = solution_crs.get_lambda_variables(dmu_code) sum_of_lambda = 0 for dmu_key in all_lambda_vars: sum_of_lambda += all_lambda_vars[dmu_key] if sum_of_lambda < 1: RTS_classification[dmu_code] = 'IRS' else: RTS_classification[dmu_code] = 'DRS' solutions[solution_crs_count].return_to_scale = RTS_classification solutions[solution_vrs_count].return_to_scale = RTS_classification return