Source code for pyDEA.core.gui_modules.weight_frame_gui

''' This module contains class WeightFrame that is used as a tab in
    parameters frame to edit and display weights.
from tkinter.ttk import Button, Frame, LabelFrame
from tkinter import N, W, S, E

from pyDEA.core.utils.dea_utils import create_bounds
from pyDEA.core.gui_modules.text_for_weights_gui import TextForWeights
from pyDEA.core.gui_modules.scrollable_frame_gui import VerticalScrolledFrame

[docs]class WeightFrame(Frame): ''' This class represents weights editor. It allows to display, modify and validate weights. Attributes: parent (Tk object): parent of this widget. current_categories (list of str): list of current categories, this list is not modified by this class. params (Parameters): Parameters object with all parameter values. Note: This class does not change values in Parameters object until the weight restrictions are validated, see on_validate_weights(). weights_status_str (StringVar): StringVar object that is used to show an error if it occurred after validating weights. abs_weights (TextForWeights): text widget for displaying and editing absolute weight restrictions. virtual_weights (TextForWeights): text widget for displaying and editing virtual weight restrictions. price_ratio_weights (TextForWeights): text widget for displaying and editing price-ratio weight restrictions. Args: parent (Tk object): parent of this widget. current_categories (list of str): list of current categories, this list is not modified by this class. params (Parameters): Parameters object with all parameter values weights_status_str (StringVar): StringVar object that is used to show an error if it occurred after validating weights. ''' def __init__(self, parent, current_categories, params, weights_status_str, *args, **kw): super().__init__(parent, *args, **kw) self.parent = parent self.current_categories = current_categories self.params = params self.weights_status_str = weights_status_str self.abs_weights = None self.virtual_weights = None self.price_ratio_weights = None self.create_widgets()
[docs] def create_widgets(self): ''' Creates all widgets. ''' self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(1, weight=1) validate_btn = Button(self, text='Validate weight restrictions', command=self.on_validate_weights) validate_btn.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=5, sticky=N+W) panel = LabelFrame(self, text='Weight restrictions') panel.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) panel.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) panel.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=E+W+S+N) weight_tab_main = VerticalScrolledFrame(panel) weight_tab_main.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E+W+S+N) weights_tab = weight_tab_main.interior self.abs_weights = TextForWeights(weights_tab, 'absolute', 'Input1 <= 0.02', self.current_categories, self.params, 'ABS_WEIGHT_RESTRICTIONS') self.abs_weights.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=5, sticky=N+W) self.virtual_weights = TextForWeights(weights_tab, 'virtual', 'Input1 >= 0.34', self.current_categories, self.params, 'VIRTUAL_WEIGHT_RESTRICTIONS') self.virtual_weights.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=10, pady=5, sticky=N+W) self.price_ratio_weights = TextForWeights(weights_tab, 'price ratio', 'Input1/Input2 <= 5', self.current_categories, self.params, 'PRICE_RATIO_RESTRICTIONS', True) self.price_ratio_weights.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=10, pady=5, sticky=N+W)
[docs] def add_weights(self): ''' Adds weight restrictions stored in params to the appropriate text widgets if such weight restrictions can be parsed and contain categories that are also present in current_categories. ''' self.remove_all_weights() self._add_given_weights(self.abs_weights, 'ABS_WEIGHT_RESTRICTIONS') self._add_given_weights(self.virtual_weights, 'VIRTUAL_WEIGHT_RESTRICTIONS') self._add_given_weights(self.price_ratio_weights, 'PRICE_RATIO_RESTRICTIONS')
def _add_given_weights(self, text_widget, weights_name): ''' Adds given weight restrictions to a given text widget. Args: text_widget (TextForWeights): text widget where weight restrictions will be added. weights_name (str): name of the parameter that stores weight restrictions in params. Example: If currently parameters contain absolute weight restrictions "I1 >= 0.1", then we can add this constraint to the text widget as follows: >>> self._add_given_weights(self.abs_weights, 'ABS_WEIGHT_RESTRICTIONS') ''' weights = self.params.get_set_of_parameters(weights_name) weights_were_added = False if weights: for weight in weights: weight_as_list = [] weight_as_list.append(weight) try: create_bounds(weight_as_list, self.current_categories) except ValueError: pass # everything that we cannot parse is ignored else: text_widget.insert_weight(weight) weights_were_added = True if weights_were_added: self.parent.change_weight_tab_name('Weights editor*')
[docs] def remove_all_weights(self): ''' Removes all weight restrictions from all text widgets. Note: Parameters object is not affected by this. All weight restrictions will still be there. Parameters are updated only when they are validated, i.e. when the user presses validate weights button or run button. ''' self.parent.change_weight_tab_name('Weights editor') self.weights_status_str.set('') self.abs_weights.delete_weights() self.virtual_weights.delete_weights() self.price_ratio_weights.delete_weights()
[docs] def on_validate_weights(self): ''' Validates weights of all text widgets and displays an error if some of the weights are invalid. Note: Parameters object is modified by this method. ''' abs_weights_present = self.abs_weights.validate_weights() virtual_weights_present = self.virtual_weights.validate_weights() price_ratio_weights_present = self.price_ratio_weights.validate_weights() if (self.abs_weights.error_tag_exists or self.virtual_weights.error_tag_exists or self.price_ratio_weights.error_tag_exists): self.weights_status_str.set( 'Some of the weight restrictions cannot be parsed. \n' 'For error details, see Weights editor tab.') else: self.weights_status_str.set('') if (abs_weights_present or virtual_weights_present or price_ratio_weights_present): self.parent.change_weight_tab_name('Weights editor*') else: self.parent.change_weight_tab_name('Weights editor')