Source code for pyDEA.core.gui_modules.table_gui

''' This module contains classes responsible for displaying input data
    in a table (TableFrame and TableFrameWithInputOutputBox).
    It also contains many classes necessary for TableFrameWithInputOutputBox.

        CELL_WIDTH (int): constant that defined width of a cell in a table
from tkinter import S, N, E, W, END, VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL, ALL
from tkinter import IntVar, DISABLED, StringVar, NORMAL
from tkinter.ttk import Frame, Entry, Scrollbar, Checkbutton

from pyDEA.core.gui_modules.scrollable_frame_gui import MouseWheel
from pyDEA.core.utils.dea_utils import is_valid_coeff, NOT_VALID_COEFF, VALID_COEFF
from pyDEA.core.utils.dea_utils import WARNING_COEFF, EMPTY_COEFF, CELL_DESTROY
from pyDEA.core.utils.dea_utils import CHANGE_CATEGORY_NAME, INPUT_OBSERVER
from pyDEA.core.utils.dea_utils import OUTPUT_OBSERVER, on_canvas_resize
from pyDEA.core.utils.dea_utils import validate_category_name, calculate_nb_pages
from pyDEA.core.gui_modules.custom_canvas_gui import StyledCanvas
from pyDEA.core.data_processing.read_data_from_xls import convert_to_dictionary


[docs]class TableFrame(Frame): ''' This class is a base class that defines minimal functionality of a table. Attributes: parent (Tk object): parent of this widget. nb_rows (int): number of rows of the table. nb_cols (int): number of columns of the table. cells (list of list of Entry): list with Entry widgets (or derivatives of Entry) that describes the table and its content. canvas (Canvas): canvas that holds all widgets (it is necessary to make the table scrollable). frame_with_table (Frame): frame that holds all widgets. Args: parent (Tk object): parent of this widget. nb_rows (int, optional): number of rows of the table, defaults to 20. nb_cols (int, optional): number of columns of the table, defaults to 5. ''' def __init__(self, parent, data, nb_rows=20, nb_cols=5): Frame.__init__(self, parent) = data self.parent = parent self.nb_rows = nb_rows self.nb_cols = nb_cols self.cells = [] self.canvas = None self.frame_with_table = None self.create_widgets()
[docs] def create_widgets(self): ''' Creates all widgets. ''' self.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) yScrollbar = Scrollbar(self, orient=VERTICAL) yScrollbar.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=N+S) xScrollbar = Scrollbar(self, orient=HORIZONTAL) xScrollbar.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=E+W) canvas = StyledCanvas(self, yscrollcommand=yScrollbar.set, xscrollcommand=xScrollbar.set, bd=0) self.canvas = canvas canvas.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=N+S+W+E) frame_with_table = Frame(canvas) self.frame_with_table = frame_with_table frame_with_table.grid(sticky=N+S+W+E, pady=15, padx=3) for i in range(2, self.nb_rows + 2): cols = [] for j in range(1, self.nb_cols + 1): ent = self.create_entry_widget(frame_with_table) ent.grid(row=i, column=j, sticky=N+S+E+W) cols.append(ent) self.cells.append(cols) canvas.create_window(0, 0, window=frame_with_table, anchor='nw') canvas.update_idletasks() yScrollbar['command'] = canvas.yview xScrollbar['command'] = canvas.xview self._update_scroll_region() MouseWheel(self).add_scrolling(canvas, yscrollbar=yScrollbar)
[docs] def create_entry_widget(self, parent): ''' Creates Entry widget. Args: parent (Tk object): parent of the Entry widget. Returns: Entry: created Entry widget. ''' return Entry(parent, width=CELL_WIDTH)
[docs] def add_row(self): ''' Adds one row to the end of the table. ''' self.cells.append([]) for j in range(self.nb_cols): grid_row_index = self.nb_rows + 2 ent = self.create_entry_widget(self.frame_with_table) ent.grid(row=grid_row_index, column=j + 1, sticky=N+S+E+W) self.cells[self.nb_rows].append(ent) self.nb_rows += 1 self._update_scroll_region()
[docs] def add_column(self): ''' Adds one column to the end of the table. ''' for i in range(self.nb_rows): grid_row_index = i + 2 ent = self.create_entry_widget(self.frame_with_table) ent.grid(row=grid_row_index, column=self.nb_cols + 1, sticky=N+S+E+W) self.cells[i].append(ent) self.nb_cols += 1 self._update_scroll_region()
[docs] def remove_row(self, row_index): ''' Removes row with a specified index from the table. If row_index is zero or larger than the total number of rows, no row is removed. Args: row_index (int): index of the row to remove. Returns: bool: True if row was deleted, False otherwise. ''' # forbid deleting first row if self.should_remove_row(row_index): for j in range(self.nb_cols): self.before_cell_destroy(self.cells[row_index][j]) self.cells[row_index][j].destroy() for i in range(row_index + 1, self.nb_rows): self.cells[i][j].grid_remove() self.cells[i][j].grid(row=i + 1) self.cells.remove(self.cells[row_index]) self.nb_rows -= 1 self._update_scroll_region() return True return False
[docs] def should_remove_row(self, row_index): ''' Checks if row with a specified row index can be removed. Args: row_index (int): index of the row to remove. Returns: bool: True if row_index is >= 1 and < total number of rows, False otherwise. ''' return row_index >= 1 and row_index < self.nb_rows
[docs] def remove_column(self, column_index): ''' Removes column with a specified index from the table. If column index is zero or larger than the total number of columns of the table, no column is removed. Args: column_index (int): index of the column to remove. Returns: bool: True if column was removed, False otherwise. ''' # do not allow to delete first column if column_index > 0 and column_index < self.nb_cols: for i in range(self.nb_rows): self.cells[i][column_index].destroy() for j in range(column_index + 1, self.nb_cols): self.cells[i][j].grid_remove() self.cells[i][j].grid(column=j) self.cells[i].remove(self.cells[i][column_index]) self.nb_cols -= 1 self._update_scroll_region() return True return False
[docs] def before_cell_destroy(self, cell): ''' This method is called before a table cell is destroyed. In this class this method does nothing, but can be redefined in children classes. Args: cell (Entry): cell that will be destroyed after call to this method. ''' pass
[docs] def clear_all_data(self): ''' Clears all data from all cells. ''' for i in range(self.nb_rows): for j in range(self.nb_cols): self.before_cell_clear(self.cells[i][j]) self.cells[i][j].delete(0, END)
[docs] def before_cell_clear(self, cell): ''' This method is called before data is cleared from a given cell. In this class this method does nothing, but can be redefined in children classes. Args: cell (Entry): cell that will be cleared after call to this method. ''' pass
def _update_scroll_region(self): ''' Updates scroll region. This method must be called each time table size or number of columns or rows change. ''' # ensures that bbox will calculate border correctly self.frame_with_table.update() on_canvas_resize(self.canvas)
[docs] def read_coefficients(self): ''' Converts data stored as a list to a proper dictionary necessary for constructing data instance. ''' return convert_to_dictionary(, self.check_value)
[docs] def check_value(self, count): ''' This method is called in read_coefficients method to check what values must be returned for data instance construction. In this class it always returns True and can be redefined in children classes. ''' return True
[docs]class TableFrameWithInputOutputBox(TableFrame): ''' Extends TableFrame with extra functionality necessary for data modification and choosing input and output categories. Attributes: params_frame (ParamsFrame): frame with parameters, this class communicates with params_frame when data is loaded or modified. combobox_text_var (StringVar): StringVar object that stores categorical category. panel_text_observer (PanelTextObserver): observer that adds star to label frame of the parent of this widget. This class notifies panel_text_observer when data was modified. frames (list of Frame): list of frames that hold Checkbuttons for choosing input and output categories. row_checkboxes (list of Checkbutton): list of Checkbuttons used for removing rows. col_checkboxes (list of Checkbutton): list of Checkbuttons used for removing columns. current_categories (list of str): list of current valid categories. This class might modify this list. str_var_for_input_output_boxes (StringVar): StringVar object that is used for communication with ParamsFrame. If the content of str_var_for_input_output_boxes was modified, it means that data was loaded from parameters file and input and output categories must be checked depending on parameters file. data (list of list of str or float): input data, it might be modified by this class. Args: parent (Tk object): parent of this widget. params_frame (ParamsFrame): frame with parameters, this class communicates with params_frame when data is loaded or modified. combobox_text_var (StringVar): StringVar object that stores categorical category. current_categories (list of str): list of current valid categories. This class might modify this list. str_var_for_input_output_boxes (StringVar): StringVar object that is used for communication with ParamsFrame. If the content of str_var_for_input_output_boxes was modified, it means that data was loaded from parameters file and input and output categories must be checked depending on parameters file. if_text_modified_str (StringVar): StringVar object that is used by PanelTextObserver, its content is modified when data was modified. data (list of list of str or float): input data, it might be modified by this class. nb_rows (int, optional): number of rows of the table, defaults to 20. nb_cols (int, optional): number of columns of the table, defaults to 5. ''' def __init__(self, parent, params_frame, combobox_text_var, current_categories, str_var_for_input_output_boxes, if_text_modified_str, data, nb_rows=20, nb_cols=5): self.params_frame = params_frame self.combobox_text_var = combobox_text_var self.panel_text_observer = PanelTextObserver(if_text_modified_str) self.frames = [] self.row_checkboxes = [] self.col_checkboxes = [] self.current_categories = current_categories self.str_var_for_input_output_boxes = str_var_for_input_output_boxes self.str_var_for_input_output_boxes.trace('w', self.on_load_categories) super().__init__(parent, data, nb_rows, nb_cols)
[docs] def create_widgets(self): ''' Creates widgets of this class. ''' super().create_widgets() for column_index in range(self.nb_cols - 1): self._create_input_output_box(column_index) for row_index in range(self.nb_rows): self.add_row_check_box(row_index) # add observers to add * in the first column for row_index in range(self.nb_rows): self.cells[row_index][0].panel_text_observer = self.panel_text_observer
[docs] def create_entry_widget(self, parent): ''' Creates SelfValidatingEntry widget. Args: parent (Tk object): parent of the SelfValidatingEntry widget. Returns: SelfValidatingEntry: created SelfValidatingEntry widget. ''' return SelfValidatingEntry(parent,, self.cells, width=CELL_WIDTH)
[docs] def deselect_all_boxes(self): ''' Deselects all Checkbuttons used for choosing input and output categories. ''' for frame in self.frames: for child in frame.winfo_children(): child.deselect()
def _create_input_output_box(self, column_index): ''' Creates Checkbuttons used for choosing input and output categories. Args: column_index (int): index of a column for which Checkbuttons must be created. ''' frame_for_btns = Frame(self.frame_with_table) self.frames.append(frame_for_btns) input_var = IntVar() output_var = IntVar() input_btn = ObserverCheckbutton( frame_for_btns, input_var, output_var, self.params_frame.input_categories_frame, self.params_frame.output_categories_frame, self.current_categories, self.cells, INPUT_OBSERVER, self.params_frame.change_category_name,, self.combobox_text_var, text='Input', state=DISABLED) input_btn.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=N+W) output_btn = FollowingObserverCheckbutton( frame_for_btns, output_var, input_var, self.params_frame.output_categories_frame, self.params_frame.input_categories_frame, self.current_categories, self.cells, OUTPUT_OBSERVER, self.params_frame.change_category_name,, self.combobox_text_var, input_btn, text='Output', state=DISABLED) output_btn.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=N+W) self._add_observers(input_btn, output_btn, column_index + 1) var = IntVar() column_checkbox = CheckbuttonWithVar(frame_for_btns, var) column_checkbox.grid(row=0, column=0) self.col_checkboxes.append((column_checkbox, var)) frame_for_btns.grid(row=1, column=column_index + 2, sticky=N) def _add_observers(self, input_btn, output_btn, column_index): ''' Adds observers to newly created cells in a given column. Args: input_btn (ObserverCheckbutton): observer used to select input categories. output_btn (FollowingObserverCheckbutton): observer used to select output categories. column_index (int): index of the column to cells of which observers must be added. ''' names_modifier = DefaultCategoriesAndDMUModifier( self.cells, self.current_categories) for row_index in range(self.nb_rows): self._add_observers_to_cell(self.cells[row_index][column_index], names_modifier, input_btn, output_btn) def _add_observers_to_cell(self, cell, names_modifier, input_btn, output_btn): ''' Adds given observers to a given cell. Args: cell (SelfValidatingEntry): cell where observers must be added. names_modifier (DefaultCategoriesAndDMUModifier): observer, for details see DefaultCategoriesAndDMUModifier. input_btn (ObserverCheckbutton): observer used to select input categories. output_btn (FollowingObserverCheckbutton): observer used to select output categories. ''' cell.observers.append(names_modifier) # IMPORTANT: # this observer MUST be added first, it modifies data that # is used by other observers! cell.observers.append(input_btn) cell.observers.append(output_btn) cell.panel_text_observer = self.panel_text_observer
[docs] def on_load_categories(self, *args): ''' Selects input and output categories when data is loaded from parameters file. Args are provided by the StringVar trace methods and are ignored in this method. ''' for frame in self.frames: for child in frame.winfo_children(): try: category = child.get_category() except AttributeError: pass else: if (child.observer_type == INPUT_OBSERVER and child.get_category() in self.str_var_for_input_output_boxes.input_categories): if (child.observer_type == OUTPUT_OBSERVER and child.get_category() in self.str_var_for_input_output_boxes.output_categories):
[docs] def add_row_check_box(self, row_index): ''' Adds Checkbutton used for removing rows to a given row. Args: row_index (int): index of row to which Checkbutton must be added. ''' if row_index >= 1: var = IntVar() row_checkbox = Checkbutton(self.frame_with_table, variable=var) self.row_checkboxes.append((row_checkbox, var)) row_checkbox.grid(row=row_index + 2, column=0) else: self.row_checkboxes.append((None, None))
[docs] def add_column(self): ''' Adds one column to the end of table. ''' super().add_column() self._create_input_output_box(self.nb_cols - 2)
[docs] def add_row(self): ''' Adds one row to the end of table. Note: When data is spread across several pages, addition of row must also update the display of data. This functionality is implemented in TableModifierFrame. ''' super().add_row() self.add_row_check_box(self.nb_rows - 1) names_modifier = DefaultCategoriesAndDMUModifier( self.cells, self.current_categories) for col in range(1, self.nb_cols): input_btn, output_btn = self.get_check_boxes(col - 1) self._add_observers_to_cell(self.cells[self.nb_rows - 1][col], names_modifier, input_btn, output_btn)
[docs] def get_check_boxes(self, column_index): ''' Gets Checkbuttons used for selecting input and output categories for a given column. Args: column_index (int): index of the column for which Checkbuttons must be returned. Returns: tuple of ObserverCheckbutton, FollowingObserverCheckbutton: tuple of observers or None, None if no observers were found. ''' if column_index < 0 or column_index >= len(self.frames): return None, None input_btn = None output_btn = None for child in self.frames[column_index].winfo_children(): try: observer_type = child.observer_type except AttributeError: pass else: if observer_type == INPUT_OBSERVER: input_btn = child elif observer_type == OUTPUT_OBSERVER: output_btn = child return input_btn, output_btn
[docs] def remove_column(self, column_index): ''' Removes column with a specified index from the table. If column index is zero or larger than the total number of columns of the table, no column is removed. Args: column_index (int): index of the column to remove. Returns: bool: True if column was removed, False otherwise. ''' # we must record category name before removing column, # because it will disappear if column_index < len(self.cells[0]): category_name = self.cells[0][column_index].get().strip() else: category_name = '' if super().remove_column(column_index): col = column_index - 1 if category_name: self.params_frame.input_categories_frame.remove_category( category_name) self.params_frame.output_categories_frame.remove_category( category_name) if col < len(self.current_categories): self.current_categories[col] = '' # remove from data only if category is present if column_with_data_removed = False for row_index in range(len( if column_index < len([row_index]):[row_index].pop(column_index) column_with_data_removed = True if column_with_data_removed: for row in range(1, self.nb_rows): for j in range(column_index, self.nb_cols): self.cells[row][j].data_column -= 1 self.panel_text_observer.change_state_if_needed() self.frames[col].destroy() for i in range(col + 1, len(self.frames)): self.frames[i].grid_remove() self.frames[i].grid(column=i + 1) self.frames.pop(col) self.col_checkboxes.pop(col) return True return False
[docs] def remove_row(self, row_index): ''' Removes data row with a specified index from the table. Row is not physically removed. If row_index is zero or larger than the total number of rows, no row is removed. Args: row_index (int): index of the row to remove. Returns: bool: True if row was deleted, False otherwise. ''' if self.should_remove_row(row_index): if nb_pages = calculate_nb_pages(len(, self.nb_rows) data_index = self.get_data_index(row_index) nb_cols = len(self.cells[row_index]) if data_index != -1 and data_index < len( nb_rows_to_change = min(self.nb_rows, len( + 1) for row in range(row_index + 1, nb_rows_to_change): for col in range(0, nb_cols): if self.cells[row][col].data_row != -1: self.cells[row][col].data_row -= 1 self.panel_text_observer.change_state_if_needed() super().remove_row(row_index) if (nb_pages > 1): self.add_row() else: super().remove_row(row_index) self.row_checkboxes[row_index][0].destroy() for i in range(row_index + 1, len(self.row_checkboxes)): self.row_checkboxes[i][0].grid_remove() self.row_checkboxes[i][0].grid(row=i + 1) self.row_checkboxes.pop(row_index) return True return False
[docs] def get_data_index(self, row_index): for j in range(0, len(self.cells[row_index])): if self.cells[row_index][j].data_row != -1: return self.cells[row_index][j].data_row return -1
[docs] def before_cell_destroy(self, cell): ''' This method is called before a table cell is destroyed. Notifies observers if data is not empty. Args: cell (SelfValidatingEntry): cell that will be destroyed after call to this method. ''' info = cell.grid_info() col = int(info['column']) row = int(info['row']) if len( == 0: cell.notify_observers(CELL_DESTROY, row, col)
[docs] def load_visible_data(self): ''' Displays data in the table. First, it adds more rows to fill the frame, second, it displays data that fits the table. ''' self.add_rows_to_fill_visible_frame() self.display_data()
[docs] def display_data(self, start_row=0): ''' Displays data starting from a given data row. This method is usually called by NavigationForTableFrame when data spans across several pages and users clicks on page navigation buttons. Args: start_row (int, optional): index of input data starting from which data should be displayed, defaults to 0. ''' nb_data_rows = len( nb_displayed_rows = 0 for row_index in range(start_row, nb_data_rows): values =[row_index] # do not insert data that is not visible if nb_displayed_rows + 1 >= self.nb_rows: return for column_index, coeff in enumerate(values): # row_index + 1 - first row has categories self._display_one_cell(nb_displayed_rows, column_index, coeff, row_index, column_index, False) row_index += 1 nb_displayed_rows += 1 if len( > 0: nb_cols = len([0]) else: nb_cols = self.nb_cols nb_rows = self.nb_rows - 1 # -1 because we add +1 to row_index while nb_displayed_rows < nb_rows: for column_index in range(nb_cols): self._display_one_cell(nb_displayed_rows, column_index, '', -1, -1, False) nb_displayed_rows += 1
def _display_one_cell(self, row_index, column_index, value_to_dispay, data_row, data_col, modify_data=True): ''' Displays data in a cell and sets cell's fields to proper values. Args: row_index (int): index of a row where the cell is. column_index (int): index of a column where the cell is. value_to_dispay (str): new cell value_to_dispay. data_row (int): row index of input data. data_col (int): column index of input data. modify_data (bool, optional): True if data was modified and observers must be notified, False otherwise. ''' cell_row_index = row_index + 1 self.cells[cell_row_index][column_index].modify_data = modify_data self.cells[cell_row_index][column_index].text_value.set(value_to_dispay) self.cells[cell_row_index][column_index].data_row = data_row self.cells[cell_row_index][column_index].data_column = data_col
[docs] def add_rows_to_fill_visible_frame(self): ''' Adds rows to table to fill the frame. Usually adds a bit more and scroll gets activated. Exact number of added rows depends on operating system, height of widgets and screen size. ''' self.canvas.update_idletasks() frame_height = self.canvas.winfo_height() while self.canvas.bbox(ALL)[3] <= frame_height - 20: self.add_row() self._update_scroll_region()
[docs] def check_value(self, count): ''' This method is called in read_coefficients method to check what values must be returned for data instance construction. Args: count (int): data column index. Returns: bool: True if the category in the given column index is not an empty string, False otherwise. ''' if self.current_categories[count]: return True return False
[docs] def clear_all_data(self): ''' Clears all data from all cells and clears input data. ''' super().clear_all_data() self.current_categories.clear() # reset modify data back to true for cell_row in self.cells: for cell in cell_row: cell.modify_data = True
[docs] def before_cell_clear(self, cell): ''' This method is called before data is cleared from a given cell. It sets fields of the given cell to initial values. Args: cell (SelfValidatingEntry): cell that will be cleared after call to this method. ''' cell.modify_data = False cell.data_row = -1 cell.data_column = -1
[docs]class ObserverCheckbutton(Checkbutton): ''' This class implements Checkbutton for choosing input/output categories. Attributes: var (IntVar): variable that is set to 1 when Checkbutton is selected, to 0 otherwise. opposite_var (IntVar): variable of the other Checkbutton that must deselected if this Checkbutton is selected. parent (Tk object): frame that holds this Checkbutton. Warning: it is important for the parent to be gridded in the same column as the entire column of table entries is gridded, because this class uses parent grid column index to determine the column where the category name can be read from. category_frame (CategoriesCheckBox): frame that displays selected input or output categories. Note: if this Checkbutton is used to select input categories, category_frame must be CategoriesCheckBox object that displays selected input categories. if this Checkbutton is used to select output categories, category_frame must be CategoriesCheckBox object that displays selected output categories. opposite_category_frame (CategoriesCheckBox): frame that displays selected input or output categories. If category_frame displays input categories, then opposite_category_frame must display output categories, and vice versa. current_categories (list of str): list of categories. This class might modify this list by removing invalid categories and adding the valid ones. cells (list of list of SelfValidatingEntry): all entry widgets collected in list. data (list of list of str or float): input data. observer_type (int): describes type of the observer, for possible values see dea_utils. change_category_name (callable function): this function is called when name of a category was changed. combobox_text_var (StringVar): variable of the combobox used for selecting categorical category. Arguments are the same as attributes. ''' def __init__(self, parent, var, opposite_var, category_frame, opposite_category_frame, current_categories, cells, observer_type, change_category_name, data, combobox_text_var, *args, **kw): Checkbutton.__init__(self, parent, variable=var, command=self._process, *args, **kw) self.var = var self.opposite_var = opposite_var self.parent = parent self.category_frame = category_frame self.opposite_category_frame = opposite_category_frame self.current_categories = current_categories self.cells = cells = data self.observer_type = observer_type self.change_category_name = change_category_name self.combobox_text_var = combobox_text_var def _process(self): ''' This method is called when user clicks on Checkbutton. Makes sure that the same category can be only input or only output, but not both, and that selected category cannot also be selected as a categorical category. ''' category_name = self.get_category() if self.var.get() == 1: self.opposite_var.set(0) if category_name: self.category_frame.add_category(category_name) self.opposite_category_frame.remove_category(category_name) if category_name == self.combobox_text_var.get(): self.combobox_text_var.set('') elif category_name: self.category_frame.remove_category(category_name)
[docs] def deselect(self): ''' Deselects Checkbutton. Note: method _process() is not called in this case. ''' self.var.set(0)
[docs] def select(self): ''' Selects Checkbutton. Note: method _process() is not called in this case. ''' self.var.set(1)
[docs] def change_state_if_needed(self, entry, entry_state, row, col): ''' Changes state of Checkbutton when data or categories were modified. Also modifies current_categories if needed. This widget becomes disabled if invalid category name value or input data value were provided by user. Args: entry (SelfValidatingEntry): Entry widget whose content was modified. entry_state (int): state of the Entry widget after content modification, for possible values see dea_utils module. row (int): row index of entry widget. It is the real grid value, we need to subtract 2 to get internal index. col (int): column index of entry widget. It is the real grid value, we need to subtract 2 to get internal index. ''' if entry_state == CHANGE_CATEGORY_NAME: old_name = '' internal_col = col - 2 if internal_col < len(self.current_categories): old_name = self.current_categories[internal_col] category_name = validate_category_name( self.cells[0][col - 1].text_value.get().strip(), internal_col, self.current_categories) if category_name: index = len(self.current_categories) while index <= internal_col: self.current_categories.append('') index += 1 self.current_categories[internal_col] = category_name if old_name: # change category name in params_frame self.change_category_name(old_name.strip(), category_name) self.change_state_based_on_data(entry, entry_state, row, col) entry.config(foreground='black') else: # if category name is empty, disable self.disable(internal_col, old_name) entry.config(foreground='red') else: self.change_state_based_on_data(entry, entry_state, row, col)
[docs] def change_state_based_on_data(self, entry, entry_state, row, col): ''' Changes state of Checkbutton when data was modified. Args: entry (SelfValidatingEntry): Entry widget whose content was modified. entry_state (int): state of the Entry widget after content modification, for possible values see dea_utils module. row (int): row index of entry widget. It is the real grid value, we need to subtract 2 to get internal index. col (int): column index of entry widget. It is the real grid value, we need to subtract 2 to get internal index. ''' internal_col = col - 2 # IMPORTANT: read from cells, not from current_categories, they might # be empty at this stage category_name = self.cells[0][col - 1].text_value.get().strip() nb_rows = len( if nb_rows == 0: self.disable(internal_col, category_name) return elif len([0]) == 0: self.disable(internal_col, category_name) return has_one_valid_entry = False for row_index in range(nb_rows): # can happen if some values are empty while col - 1 >= len([row_index]):[row_index].append('') try: # col - 1 - first column contains DMU names data_elem = float([row_index][col - 1]) except ValueError: state = NOT_VALID_COEFF else: state = is_valid_coeff(data_elem) if state == NOT_VALID_COEFF: has_one_valid_entry = False self.disable(internal_col, category_name) return elif state == VALID_COEFF or state == WARNING_COEFF: has_one_valid_entry = True if has_one_valid_entry: self.config(state=NORMAL) if category_name: if category_name not in self.current_categories: assert internal_col < len(self.current_categories) self.current_categories[internal_col] = category_name if entry_state != CELL_DESTROY and self.var.get() == 1: self.category_frame.add_category(category_name) return
[docs] def disable(self, internal_col, category_name): ''' Disables Checkbutton. Args: internal_col (int): internal column index. category_name (str): name of category. ''' self.config(state=DISABLED) if category_name: if self.var.get() == 1: self.category_frame.remove_category(category_name) if self.opposite_var.get() == 1: self.opposite_category_frame.remove_category(category_name) if category_name in self.current_categories: assert(internal_col < len(self.current_categories)) self.current_categories[internal_col] = '' if category_name == self.combobox_text_var.get(): self.combobox_text_var.set('')
[docs] def get_category(self): ''' Finds category name stored in the corresponding Entry widget based on where parent of Checkbutton was gridded. Returns: str: category name, might be empty string. ''' info = self.parent.grid_info() # convertion to int is necessary for Windows # for some reason in Windows grid info is stored as str col = int(info['column']) return self.cells[0][col - 1].text_value.get().strip()
[docs]class FollowingObserverCheckbutton(ObserverCheckbutton): ''' This class follows state of another ObserverCheckbutton that is used to select input or output categories. This class is used in order to skip checking if data is valid second time. The first Checkbutton has already performed this check. Attributes: var (IntVar): variable that is set to 1 when Checkbutton is selected, to 0 otherwise. opposite_var (IntVar): variable of the other Checkbutton that must deselected if this Checkbutton is selected. parent (Tk object): frame that holds this Checkbutton. Warning: it is important for the parent to be gridded in the same column as the entire column of table entries is gridded, because this class uses parent grid column index to determine the column where the category name can be read from. category_frame (CategoriesCheckBox): frame that displays selected input or output categories. Note: if this Checkbutton is used to select input categories, category_frame must be CategoriesCheckBox object that displays selected input categories. if this Checkbutton is used to select output categories, category_frame must be CategoriesCheckBox object that displays selected output categories. opposite_category_frame (CategoriesCheckBox): frame that displays selected input or output categories. If category_frame displays input categories, then opposite_category_frame must display output categories, and vice versa. current_categories (list of str): list of categories. This class might modify this list by removing invalid categories and adding the valid ones. cells (list of list of SelfValidatingEntry): all entry widgets collected in list. data (list of list of str or float): input data. observer_type (int): describes type of the observer, for possible values see dea_utils. change_category_name (callable function): this function is called when name of a category was changed. combobox_text_var (StringVar): variable of the combobox used for selecting categorical category. main_box (ObserverCheckbutton): Checkbutton that changes state first. This Checkbutton changes its state to the same state as main_box, but does not do extra things that have been already performed by main_box (changes to current_categories, for example). ''' def __init__(self, parent, var, opposite_var, category_frame, opposite_category_frame, current_categories, cells, observer_type, params_frame, data, combobox_text_var, main_box, *args, **kw): super().__init__(parent, var, opposite_var, category_frame, opposite_category_frame, current_categories, cells, observer_type, params_frame, data, combobox_text_var, *args, **kw) self.main_box = main_box
[docs] def change_state_if_needed(self, entry, entry_state, row, col): ''' Changes state of Checkbutton when data was modified depending on the state of main_box. Args: entry (SelfValidatingEntry): Entry widget whose content was modified. entry_state (int): state of the Entry widget after content modification, for possible values see dea_utils module. row (int): row index of entry widget. It is the real grid value, we need to subtract 2 to get internal index. col (int): column index of entry widget. It is the real grid value, we need to subtract 2 to get internal index. ''' category_name = self.get_category() if str(self.main_box.cget('state')) == DISABLED: self.disable(col - 2, category_name) else: self.config(state=NORMAL) if entry_state != CELL_DESTROY and self.var.get() == 1: self.category_frame.add_category(category_name)
[docs]class DefaultCategoriesAndDMUModifier(object): ''' This class is responsible for adding automatic category and DMU names if user starts typing data without providing such names first. Attributes: cells (list of list of SelfValidatingEntry): list of all Entry widgets with data. current_categories (list of str): list of categories. Args: cells (list of list of SelfValidatingEntry): list of all Entry widgets with data. current_categories (list of str): list of categories. ''' def __init__(self, cells, current_categories): self.cells = cells self.current_categories = current_categories
[docs] def change_state_if_needed(self, entry, entry_state, row, col): ''' Writes automatic category and DMU names if they were not specified before. Args: entry (SelfValidatingEntry): Entry widget the content of which was modified. entry_state (int): constant that describes entry state, for details see dea_utils module. row (int): row index of entry widget. It is the real grid value, we need to subtract 2 to get internal index. col (int): column index of entry widget. It is the real grid value, we need to subtract 2 to get internal index. ''' if (entry_state != EMPTY_COEFF and entry_state != CELL_DESTROY and entry_state != CHANGE_CATEGORY_NAME): internal_row_index = row - 2 dmu_name = self.cells[internal_row_index][0].text_value.get().strip() if not dmu_name: self.cells[internal_row_index][0].text_value.set( 'DMU{0}'.format(internal_row_index)) category_name = self.cells[0][col - 1].text_value.get().strip() if not category_name: internal_col_index = col - 2 name = 'Category{0}'.format(internal_col_index) if internal_col_index >= len(self.current_categories): index = len(self.current_categories) - 1 while index != internal_col_index: self.current_categories.append('') index += 1 # category name MUST be written first, because next line calls # ObserverCheckbutton self.cells[0][col - 1].text_value.set(name)
[docs]class SelfValidatingEntry(Entry): ''' This class implement Entry widget that knows how to highlight invalid data. It also notifies other widgets if the content of Entry changes. Other widgets must implement method change_state_if_needed(). Such widgets should be appended to the list of listening widgets called observers. Attributes: text_value (StringVar): textvariable of Entry widget that calls method on_text_changed when the content on Entry changes. observers (list of objects that implement method change_state_if_needed): list of widgets or other objects that must be notified if the content of Entry changes. data_row (int): row index in data table which should be modified when the content of Entry changes. data_column (int): column index in data table which should be modified when the content of Entry changes. data (list of list of srt or float): data that will be modified. modify_data (bool): True if data should be modified, False otherwise. It is usually set to False when data is uploaded from file. panel_text_observer (PanelTextObserver): object that is notified when data changes. This object is responsible for adding star to file name when data was modified. all_cells (list of list of SelfValidatingEntry): refernce where all cells are stored. Warning: all cells must be created before any cell content can be modified. Args: parent (Tk object): parent of this Entry widget. data (list of list of srt or float): input data that will be modified. all_cells (list of list of SelfValidatingEntry): refernce where all cells are stored. Warning: all cells must be created before any cell content can be modified. ''' def __init__(self, parent, data, all_cells, *args, **kw): self.text_value = StringVar(master=parent) self.text_value.trace("w", self.on_text_changed) super().__init__(parent, *args, **kw) self.config(textvariable=self.text_value) self.observers = [] self.all_cells = all_cells self.data_row = -1 self.data_column = -1 = data self.modify_data = True self.panel_text_observer = None
[docs] def on_text_changed(self, *args): ''' This method is called each time the content of Entry is modified. It highlights invalid data, changes data if needed and notifies other objects when data was changed. Args are provided by StringVar trace method, but are not used. ''' info = self.grid_info() # phisical grid indeces col = int(info['column']) row = int(info['row']) self.notify_panel_observer() if row == 2: # possibly name of category is modified self.notify_observers(CHANGE_CATEGORY_NAME, row, col) elif col == 1 and row > 2: # column with DMU names, strings are allowed self.modify_data_if_needed(row, col) elif col > 1 and row > 2: # everything left self.modify_data_if_needed(row, col) try: value = float(self.text_value.get().strip()) except ValueError: self.modify_data = True self.config(foreground='red') if len(self.text_value.get().strip()) == 0: self.notify_observers(EMPTY_COEFF, row, col) else: self.notify_observers(NOT_VALID_COEFF, row, col) return text_status = is_valid_coeff(value) if text_status == NOT_VALID_COEFF: self.config(foreground='red') elif text_status == WARNING_COEFF: self.config(foreground='orange') else: self.config(foreground='black') self.notify_observers(text_status, row, col) self.modify_data = True
[docs] def modify_data_if_needed(self, row, col): ''' Modifies data if modify_data is set to True. Adds empty strings to data when user modifies Entry for which data_row or/and data_column are equal to -1. Updates data with new values entered by user. Args: row (int): row where Entry is gridded col (int): column where Entry is gridded ''' if self.modify_data: if self.data_row != -1 and self.data_column != -1:[self.data_row][self.data_column] = self.text_value.get().strip() else: row_for_data = len( added_rows = False # -2 because row is physical grid index, not cell index row_count = len(self.all_cells) - 1 for cells_row in reversed(self.all_cells): if cells_row[0].data_row != -1: break row_count -= 1 if row_count == -1: row_count = 0 while row_count < row - 2:[]) added_rows = True row_count += 1 if added_rows: self.data_row = len( - 1 else: assert row_count >= row - 2 self.data_row = len( - 1 - (row_count - (row - 2)) col_for_data = len([self.data_row]) added_cols = False max_nb_col = 0 nb_rows = len( for r_ind in range(nb_rows): row_len = len([r_ind]) if row_len > max_nb_col: max_nb_col = row_len max_nb_col = max(max_nb_col, col) c_ind = col_for_data while c_ind < max_nb_col:[self.data_row].append('') grid_col = len([self.data_row]) self.all_cells[row - 2][grid_col - 1].data_row = self.data_row self.all_cells[row - 2][grid_col - 1].data_column = c_ind self.notify_observers(EMPTY_COEFF, row, grid_col) added_cols = True c_ind += 1 if (col_for_data < col): col_for_data += 1 if added_cols: for r_ind in range(nb_rows): while len([r_ind]) < max_nb_col:[r_ind].append('') grid_col = len([r_ind]) if r_ind >= self.data_row - (row - 3): # 3 is the first physical # row with data on the page grid_row = row - (self.data_row - r_ind) self.all_cells[grid_row - 2][grid_col - 1].data_row = r_ind self.all_cells[grid_row - 2][grid_col - 1].data_column = grid_col - 1 self.notify_observers(EMPTY_COEFF, grid_row, grid_col) self.data_column = col_for_data - 1 else: self.data_column = col - 1[self.data_row][self.data_column] = self.text_value.get().strip()
[docs] def notify_panel_observer(self): ''' Notifies panel observer that data was modified. ''' if self.panel_text_observer is not None and self.modify_data is True: self.panel_text_observer.change_state_if_needed()
[docs] def notify_observers(self, entry_state, row, col): ''' Notifies all observers stored in list of observers that data was modified. Args: entry_state (int): state of the Entry widget that describes if data is valid after modification, for possible values see dea_utils module. row (int): row where Entry is gridded. col (int): column where Entry is gridded. ''' for observer in self.observers: observer.change_state_if_needed(self, entry_state, row, col)
[docs]class PanelTextObserver(object): ''' This class changes StringVar value that is traced in other classes. Attributes: if_text_modified_str (StringVar): StringVar object that changes value when this observer is notified. ''' def __init__(self, if_text_modified_str): self.if_text_modified_str = if_text_modified_str
[docs] def change_state_if_needed(self): ''' Changes value of internal StringVar object. ''' self.if_text_modified_str.set('*')
[docs]class CheckbuttonWithVar(Checkbutton): ''' Custom Checkbutton widget that provides deselect method. Attributes: var (IntVar): 0 if not selected, 1 otherwise. Args: parent (Tk object): parent of this widget. var (IntVar): variable that controls if Checkbutton is selected. ''' def __init__(self, parent, var, *args, **kw): super().__init__(parent, variable=var, *args, **kw) self.var = var
[docs] def deselect(self): ''' Deselects Checkbutton. ''' self.var.set(0)