Source code for pyDEA.core.gui_modules.solution_tab_frame_gui

''' This module contains class responsible for displaying solution
    on the screen.

        MAX_FILE_PARAMS_LBL_LENGTH (int): module constant that describes
            maximum length of the label with a file name
import xlwt
import os

from tkinter import LEFT, W, N, E, S, IntVar
from tkinter.ttk import Frame, Label, Button, Progressbar, Radiobutton
from tkinter.filedialog import asksaveasfilename, askdirectory

from pyDEA.core.utils.dea_utils import SOLUTION_XLSX_FILE, SOLUTION_XLS_FILE
from pyDEA.core.utils.dea_utils import TEXT_FOR_FILE_LBL
from pyDEA.core.gui_modules.solution_frame_gui import SolutionFrameWithText
from pyDEA.core.data_processing.write_data_to_xls import XLSWriter
from pyDEA.core.data_processing.xlsx_workbook import XlsxWorkbook
from pyDEA.core.data_processing.solution_text_writer import TxtWriter
from pyDEA.core.utils.progress_recorders import GuiProgress


[docs]class SolutionTabFrame(Frame): ''' This class is responsible for displaying solution on the screen. It extends Frame class. Attributes: parent (Tk object that can contain Frame): parent that can contain Frame, MUST implement method change_solution_tab_name(str). data_from_file_lbl (Label): label that contains file name with data if specified. solution_tab (SolutionFrameWithText): notebook with tabs describing solution. model_solutions (list of Solution): list with one or more solutions that have been generated after running algorithm. param_strs (list of str): list with strings that should appear before printing every solution from model_solutions. ranks (list of list of int): list of ranks corresponding to every solution from model_solutions, ranks are generated by peel-the-onion algorithm. categorical (str): name of the categorical variable used in categorical analysis. progress_bar (Progressbar): progress bar to show how solution is loaded or saved to file. status_lbl (Label): label for displaying solution status. solution_format_var (IntVar): IntVar object that tracks which file format is chosen for solution. ''' def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kw): super().__init__(parent, *args, **kw) self.parent = parent self.data_from_file_lbl = None self.solution_tab = None self.model_solutions = None self.param_strs = None self.ranks = None self.params = None self.categorical = None self.run_date = None self.total_seconds = 0 self.progress_bar = None self.status_lbl = None self.solution_format_var = IntVar() self.create_widgets()
[docs] def create_widgets(self): ''' Creates appropriate widgets on this frame. ''' self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(3, weight=1) frame_for_save_btn = Frame(self) frame_for_save_btn.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) self.status_lbl = Label(frame_for_save_btn, text='') self.status_lbl.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=N+W) save_solution_btn = Button(frame_for_save_btn, text='Save solution', command=self.on_save_solution) save_solution_btn.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W+N, padx=5, pady=5) self.progress_bar = Progressbar(frame_for_save_btn, mode='determinate', maximum=100) self.progress_bar.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=W+E, padx=10, pady=5) frame_for_save_btn.grid(sticky=W+N+E+S, padx=5, pady=5) frame_for_btns = Frame(self) self._create_file_format_btn('*.xlsx', 1, frame_for_btns, 0) self._create_file_format_btn('*.xls', 2, frame_for_btns, 1) self._create_file_format_btn('*.csv', 3, frame_for_btns, 2) self.solution_format_var.set(1) frame_for_btns.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W+N+E+S, padx=5, pady=5) self.data_from_file_lbl = Label(self, text=TEXT_FOR_FILE_LBL, anchor=W, justify=LEFT, wraplength=MAX_FILE_PARAMS_LBL_LENGTH) self.data_from_file_lbl.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=W+N) self.solution_tab = SolutionFrameWithText(self) self.solution_tab.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=W+E+S+N, padx=5, pady=5)
def _create_file_format_btn(self, btn_text, var_value, parent, column): ''' Creates and grids Radiobutton used for choosing solution file format. Args: btn_text (str): text displayed next to the Radiobutton. var_value (int): value of the IntVar associated with this Radiobutton. parent (Tk object): parent of this Radiobutton. column (int): column index where this Radiobutton should be gridded. ''' sol_format_btn = Radiobutton(parent, text=btn_text, variable=self.solution_format_var, value=var_value) sol_format_btn.grid(row=2, column=column, sticky=W+N, padx=2)
[docs] def on_save_solution(self): ''' Saves solution to file. This method is called when save solution button is pressed. If there is a solution, this method will ask user to provide a file name where solution should be stored. If a valid name is provided, solution is saved to that file. Allowed file formats are: .xls and .xlsx. Default file extension is .xlsx. If the user checked 'csv' as solution output format, then the user will be asked to choose a directory where all csv files will be written. ''' if self.model_solutions is not None: assert(self.param_strs is not None) if (self.solution_format_var.get() == 1 or self.solution_format_var.get() == 2): file_name = self.ask_file_name_to_save( self.solution_format_var.get()) dir_name = '' else: dir_name = askdirectory() file_name = '' if file_name or dir_name: print(file_name) self.status_lbl.config(text='Saving solution to file...') if file_name.endswith('.xls'): work_book = xlwt.Workbook() elif file_name.endswith('.xlsx'): work_book = XlsxWorkbook() else: # all not supported formats will be written to csv assert(dir_name) work_book = TxtWriter(dir_name) writer = XLSWriter(self.params, work_book, self.run_date, self.total_seconds, ranks=self.ranks, categorical=self.categorical) nb_models = len(self.model_solutions) # +1 for parameters sheet, it is stored separately nb_sheets = len(writer.worksheets) + 1 progress_recorder = GuiProgress(self.progress_bar, nb_models, nb_sheets) try: for count, sol in enumerate(self.model_solutions): writer.write_data(sol, self.param_strs[count], progress_recorder) except ValueError: # can happen if maximum number of rows is exceeded self.status_lbl.config( text='File is too large for xls format,' ' it will be saved to csv instead') work_book = TxtWriter(os.path.splitext(file_name)[0]) writer = XLSWriter(self.params, work_book, self.run_date, self.total_seconds, ranks=self.ranks, categorical=self.categorical) progress_recorder.set_position(0) for count, sol in enumerate(self.model_solutions): writer.write_data(sol, self.param_strs[count], progress_recorder) progress_recorder.set_position(100) self.parent.change_solution_tab_name('Solution') self.status_lbl.config(text='Solution saved')
[docs] def ask_file_name_to_save(self, ext_code): ''' Calls asksaveasfilename dialogue to ask the user where file should be saved. If file without extension is entered, default extension will be used (.xlsx). This method is used to mock this object for unit tests. Args: ext_code (int): code for file extension 1 - xlsx, 2 - xls. ''' if ext_code == 1: filetype = SOLUTION_XLSX_FILE else: filetype = SOLUTION_XLS_FILE return asksaveasfilename(filetypes=filetype, defaultextension='xlsx')
[docs] def show_solution(self, solutions, params, param_strs, run_date, total_seconds, ranks=None, categorical=None): ''' Displays solution on the screen. Args: solutions (list of Solution): list of solutions (might contain just one solution) that have been generated after running algorithm. params (Parameters): object with parameters that will be written to file on the Parameters page. param_strs (list of str): list with strings that should appear before printing every solution from model_solutions. ranks (list of list of int): list of ranks corresponding to every solution from model_solutions, ranks are generated by peel-the-onion algorithm. categorical (str): name of the categorical variable used in categorical analysis. ''' self.status_lbl.config(text='') self.model_solutions = solutions self.param_strs = param_strs self.ranks = ranks self.params = params self.categorical = categorical self.run_date = run_date self.total_seconds = total_seconds self.status_lbl.config(text='Loading solution...') self.solution_tab.show_solution(solutions, params, param_strs, run_date, total_seconds, ranks, categorical) self.parent.change_solution_tab_name('Solution*') self.status_lbl.config(text='Solution loaded')
[docs] def update_data_file_name(self, new_data_file_name): ''' Updates label with data file name. Args: new_data_file_name (str): new value of the data file name ''' self.data_from_file_lbl.config(text=TEXT_FOR_FILE_LBL + new_data_file_name)