Source code for pyDEA.core.gui_modules.solution_frame_gui

''' This module contains classes responsible for displaying
    solution in GUI.

from tkinter.ttk import Notebook

from pyDEA.core.gui_modules.table_gui import TableFrame
from pyDEA.core.gui_modules.text_frame_gui import TextFrame
from pyDEA.core.data_processing.write_data_to_xls import XLSWriter
from pyDEA.core.utils.progress_recorders import GuiProgress

[docs]class SolutionFrame(Notebook): ''' This class is responsible for creating tabs with various information about solution to a given problem. Attributes: parent (Tk object): parent of this widget. last_modified_tab (int): index of the last modified tab. nb_tabs (int): total number of tabs. all_tabs (list of Frame): list of all tabs. nb_filled_tabs (int): number of filled tabs. Args: parent (Tk object): parent of this widget. ''' def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kw): Notebook.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kw) self.parent = parent self.last_modified_tab = -1 self.nb_tabs = 0 self.all_tabs = [] self.nb_filled_tabs = 0
[docs] def create_tab(self, name): ''' Creates a tab with a given name. Args: name (str): name of the tab. ''' tab = self._create_tab_object() tab.pack() self.add(tab, text=name) self.all_tabs.append(tab)
def _create_tab_object(self): ''' Allocates a proper Frame object that is placed on each tab. Returns: Frame: allocated frame. ''' return TableFrame(self)
[docs] def show_solution(self, solutions, params_to_print, all_params, run_date, total_seconds, ranks=None, categorical=None): ''' Displays a given solution. Args: solutions (list of Solution): list with solutions that must be displayed, can have 1, 2 or 4 elements. params_to_print (Parameters): parameters that should be displayed. all_params (list of str): list with strings that should appear before printing every solution from solutions. run_date (datetime): date and time when the problem was solved. total_seconds (float): time (in seconds) needed to solve the problem. ranks (list of dict of str to double, optional): list that contains dictionaries that map DMU code to peel the onion rank. categorical (str, optional): name of the categorical variable used in categorical analysis. ''' self.create_default_tabs(solutions, params_to_print, all_params, run_date, total_seconds, ranks, categorical)
[docs] def create_default_tabs(self, solutions, params_to_print, all_params, run_date, total_seconds, ranks, categorical): ''' Creates all tabs. Args: solutions (list of Solution): list with solutions that must be displayed, can have 1, 2 or 4 elements. params_to_print (Parameters): parameters that should be displayed. all_params (list of str): list with strings that should appear before printing every solution from solutions. run_date (datetime): date and time when the problem was solved. total_seconds (float): time (in seconds) needed to solve the problem. ranks (list of dict of str to double): list that contains dictionaries that map DMU code to peel the onion rank. categorical (str): name of the categorical variable used in categorical analysis. ''' writer = XLSWriter(params_to_print, self, run_date, total_seconds, ranks=ranks, categorical=categorical) nb_models = len(solutions) # +1 for parameters sheet, it is stored separately nb_sheets = len(writer.worksheets) + 1 progress_recorder = GuiProgress(self.parent.progress_bar, nb_models, nb_sheets) self.last_modified_tab = -1 self.clear_all_tabs() self.nb_filled_tabs = 0 for count, sol in enumerate(solutions): writer.write_data(sol, all_params[count], progress_recorder) self.modify_tab_names() self.remove_unused_tabs() progress_recorder.set_position(100)
[docs] def add_sheet(self, tab_name): ''' Creates a tab with a given name. Args: tab_name (str): tab name. Returns: Frame: created tab. ''' self.last_modified_tab += 1 if self.last_modified_tab >= self.nb_tabs: self.create_tab(tab_name) self.nb_tabs += 1 self.nb_filled_tabs += 1 return self.all_tabs[self.last_modified_tab]
[docs] def clear_all_tabs(self): ''' Clears all tabs. ''' for tab in self.all_tabs: tab.clear_all_data()
[docs] def modify_tab_names(self): ''' Modifies tab names according to the names that were passed as a parameter when tab was created. ''' for count, tab in enumerate(self.all_tabs):,
[docs] def remove_unused_tabs(self): ''' Removes unused tabs. ''' if self.nb_filled_tabs < self.nb_tabs: i = self.nb_tabs-1 while self.nb_tabs != self.nb_filled_tabs: self.all_tabs[i].destroy() self.all_tabs.pop(i) self.nb_tabs -= 1
[docs]class SolutionFrameWithText(SolutionFrame): ''' This class creates a different frame for displaying solution as a plain text instead of table. Note: this works much faster than tables. ''' def _create_tab_object(self): return TextFrame(self)