Source code for pyDEA.core.gui_modules.options_frame_gui

''' This module contains OptionsFrame class used for displaying and modifying
    some of the parameters.


        COUNT_TO_NAME_RADIO_BTN (dict of {(str, int) to str}): dictionary that
            maps parameter name and count to a valid value. This structure is
            used to identify parameter value used for display
            depending on parameter name and count. Count is simply a value of
            IntVar used in Radiobutton

        COUNT_TO_NAME_RADIO_BTN and all methods that use it must be modified if
        COUNT_TO_NAME_RADIO_BTN ever changes.

from tkinter import W, N, DISABLED, NORMAL, StringVar, IntVar
from tkinter import Entry, END
from tkinter.ttk import LabelFrame, Label, Checkbutton, Radiobutton
from tkinter.ttk import Combobox, Frame
from tkinter.messagebox import showwarning

from pyDEA.core.utils.dea_utils import XPAD_VALUE, YPAD_VALUE

                           ('RETURN_TO_SCALE', 2): 'CRS',
                           ('RETURN_TO_SCALE', 3): 'both',
                           ('ORIENTATION', 1): 'input',
                           ('ORIENTATION', 2): 'output',
                           ('ORIENTATION', 3): 'both',
                           ('DEA_FORM', 1): 'env', ('DEA_FORM', 2): 'multi'}

[docs]class OptionsFrame(LabelFrame): ''' This class creates Checkbuttons and Radiobuttons for displaying and modifying some of the parameters. Attributes: params (Parameters): object with all parameters. Some of the parameter values are modified in this class. current_categories (list of str): list of categories. input_categories_frame (CategoriesCheckBox): frame with input categories. It is needed in this class to read what categories are input. output_categories_frame (CategoriesCheckBox): frame with output categories. It is needed in this class to read what categories are output. categorical_box (Combobox): Combobox for choosing categorical category. combobox_text_var (StringVar): text variable of categorical_box. options (dict of str to IntVar): dictionary that stores IntVars of Radiobuttons and Checkbuttons. Example: >>> options = {"RETURN_TO_SCALE": IntVar(), "ORIENTATION": IntVar()} multi_tol_strvar (StringVar): StringVar object that stores tolerance of multiplier model. max_slack_box (Checkbutton): Checkbutton for the option "Two phase". Args: parent (Tk object): parent of this widget. params (Parameters): object with all parameters. Some of the parameter values are modified in this class. current_categories (list of str): list of categories. input_categories_frame (CategoriesCheckBox): frame with input categories. It is needed in this class to read what categories are input. output_categories_frame (CategoriesCheckBox): frame with output categories. It is needed in this class to read what categories are output. name (str, optional): name of the LabelFrame that this class represents, defaults to Options. ''' def __init__(self, parent, params, current_categories, input_categories_frame, output_categories_frame, name='Options', *args, **kw): super().__init__(parent, text=name, *args, **kw) self.params = params self.current_categories = current_categories self.input_categories_frame = input_categories_frame self.output_categories_frame = output_categories_frame self.categorical_box = None self.combobox_text_var = StringVar() self.combobox_text_var.trace('w', self.on_categorical_box_change) self.options = dict() self.multi_tol_strvar = StringVar() self.multi_tol_strvar.trace('w', self.on_multi_tol_change) self.max_slack_box = None self.create_widgets()
[docs] def create_widgets(self): ''' Creates all widgets. ''' rts_lbl = Label(self, text='Return to scale:') rts_lbl.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=XPAD_VALUE, pady=YPAD_VALUE, sticky=W) self._create_frame_with_radio_btns(self, 'RETURN_TO_SCALE', ['VRS', 'CRS'], row_index=1, column_index=0) orientation_lbl = Label(self, text='Orientation:') orientation_lbl.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W, padx=XPAD_VALUE, pady=YPAD_VALUE) self._create_frame_with_radio_btns(self, 'ORIENTATION', ['Input', 'Output'], row_index=1, column_index=1) model_lbl = Label(self, text='Model:') model_lbl.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=XPAD_VALUE, pady=YPAD_VALUE, sticky=W) self._create_frame_with_radio_btns(self, 'DEA_FORM', ['Envelopment', 'Multiplier'], row_index=1, column_index=2, add_both=False) other_lbl = Label(self, text='Others:') other_lbl.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky=W, padx=XPAD_VALUE) max_slacks = IntVar() self.options['MAXIMIZE_SLACKS'] = max_slacks frame_other_options = Frame(self) self.max_slack_box = max_slacks_check_btn = Checkbutton( frame_other_options, text='Two phase', variable=max_slacks, command=(lambda: self.on_check_box_click( max_slacks, 'MAXIMIZE_SLACKS'))) max_slacks_check_btn.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W) super_efficiency = IntVar() self.options['USE_SUPER_EFFICIENCY'] = super_efficiency super_efficiency_check_btn = Checkbutton(frame_other_options, text='Super efficiency', variable=super_efficiency, command=( lambda: self.on_check_box_click( super_efficiency, 'USE_SUPER_EFFICIENCY'))) super_efficiency_check_btn.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W) peel_the_onion = IntVar() self.options['PEEL_THE_ONION'] = peel_the_onion peel_the_onion_check_btn = Checkbutton( frame_other_options, text='Peel the onion', variable=peel_the_onion, command=(lambda: self.on_check_box_click(peel_the_onion, 'PEEL_THE_ONION'))) peel_the_onion_check_btn.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=W) frame_other_options.grid(row=1, column=3, padx=XPAD_VALUE, pady=YPAD_VALUE, sticky=W) frame_for_toleramce = Frame(self) tolerance_lbl = Label(frame_for_toleramce, text='Multiplier model tolerance:') tolerance_lbl.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=XPAD_VALUE, pady=YPAD_VALUE, sticky=W) tolerance_ent = Entry(frame_for_toleramce, width=5, textvariable=self.multi_tol_strvar) tolerance_ent.insert(END, 0) tolerance_ent.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W, padx=XPAD_VALUE) categorical_lbl = Label(frame_for_toleramce, text='Categorical:') categorical_lbl.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=XPAD_VALUE, pady=YPAD_VALUE, sticky=W) self.categorical_box = categorical_box = Combobox( frame_for_toleramce, textvariable=self.combobox_text_var, exportselection=0, state="readonly", width=20, values=(''), postcommand=self.change_categorical_box) categorical_box.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=XPAD_VALUE, pady=YPAD_VALUE, sticky=W) frame_for_toleramce.grid(row=5, column=0, sticky=W, padx=XPAD_VALUE, pady=YPAD_VALUE, columnspan=4)
def _create_frame_with_radio_btns(self, parent, name, text, row_index, column_index, add_both=True): ''' Creates frame with one set of Radiobuttons. Args: parent (Tk object): parent of the frame. name (str): name of the parameter that will a key in options dictionary. text (list of str): list with two parameter values that should be displayed next to the first two Radiobuttons. row_index (int): index of the row where the frame should be placed using grid method. column_index (int): index of the column where the frame should be placed using grid method. add_both (bool, optional): True if the third Radiobutton with text "both" must be displayed, False otherwise, defaults to True. ''' assert len(text) == 2 v = IntVar() self.options[name] = v self.options[name].trace( 'w', (lambda *args: self.radio_btn_change(name))) frame_with_radio_btns = Frame(parent) first_option = Radiobutton(frame_with_radio_btns, text=text[0], variable=v, value=1) first_option.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W+N, padx=2) v.set(1) second_option = Radiobutton(frame_with_radio_btns, text=text[1], variable=v, value=2) second_option.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W+N, padx=2) if add_both: both = Radiobutton(frame_with_radio_btns, text='Both', variable=v, value=3) both.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=W+N, padx=2) frame_with_radio_btns.grid(row=row_index, column=column_index, padx=1, pady=5, sticky=W+N)
[docs] def radio_btn_change(self, name, *args): ''' Actions that happen when user clicks on a Radiobutton. Changes the corresponding parameter values and options. Args: name (str): name of the parameter that is a key in options dictionary. *args: are provided by IntVar trace method and are ignored in this method. ''' count = self.options[name].get() self.params.update_parameter(name, COUNT_TO_NAME_RADIO_BTN[name, count]) dea_form = COUNT_TO_NAME_RADIO_BTN[name, count] if self.max_slack_box: # on creation it is None if dea_form == 'multi': # disable max slacks self.max_slack_box.config(state=DISABLED) self.params.update_parameter('MAXIMIZE_SLACKS', '') elif dea_form == 'env': self.max_slack_box.config(state=NORMAL) if self.options['MAXIMIZE_SLACKS'].get() == 1: self.params.update_parameter('MAXIMIZE_SLACKS', 'yes')
[docs] def change_categorical_box(self): ''' Updates categories that can be chosen as categorical category when the user clicks on the Combobox. ''' values = [category for category in self.current_categories if category and category not in self.input_categories_frame.category_objects.keys() and category not in self.output_categories_frame.category_objects.keys()] values.append('') self.categorical_box.config(values=values)
[docs] def on_categorical_box_change(self, *args): ''' Updates value of the CATEGORICAL_CATEGORY in parameters. This method is called when the user clicks on the Combobox and chooses one item from the drop-down list. Args: *args: are provided by the StringVar trace method and are ignored in this method. ''' categorical_var = self.combobox_text_var.get() self.params.update_parameter('CATEGORICAL_CATEGORY', categorical_var)
[docs] def set_params_values(self): ''' Reads all parameter values from the parameter object (params) and sets all widgets and options to these read values. Might display warnings if invalid values are stored in parameter object. ''' self.set_radio_btns() self.set_check_btns() self.change_categorical_box() self.set_categorical_box(self.params.get_parameter_value( 'CATEGORICAL_CATEGORY')) self.set_multi_tol()
[docs] def set_radio_btns(self): ''' Goes through all Radiobuttons and changes their values according to the values stored in parameter object. Might display warnings. ''' self.set_one_radio_btn('RETURN_TO_SCALE', ['VRS', 'CRS', 'both']) self.set_one_radio_btn('ORIENTATION', ['input', 'output', 'both']) self.set_one_radio_btn('DEA_FORM', ['env', 'multi'])
[docs] def set_one_radio_btn(self, param_name, valid_values): ''' Sets value of a given set of Radiobuttons according to its value stored in parameter object if this value is valid. Might display warnings. Args: param_name (str): name of parameter whose value must be changed. valid_values (list of str): list of valid values that this parameter might take. ''' param_value = self.params.get_parameter_value(param_name) for count, value in enumerate(valid_values): if param_value == value: self.options[param_name].set(count + 1) return self._show_warning(param_name) self.options[param_name].set(1)
def _show_warning(self, param_name): ''' Displays a warning saying that a value of a given parameter is not valid. Args: param_name (str): name of the parameter. ''' showwarning('Warning', 'Parameter <{0}> does not have valid values.' ' It will be set to default'. format(param_name))
[docs] def set_check_btns(self): ''' Goes through all Checkbuttons and changes their values according to the values stored in parameter object. Might display warnings. ''' self.set_one_check_btn('MAXIMIZE_SLACKS') self.set_one_check_btn('PEEL_THE_ONION') self.set_one_check_btn('USE_SUPER_EFFICIENCY')
[docs] def set_one_check_btn(self, param_name): ''' Sets value of a given set of Checkbutton according to its value stored in parameter object if this value is valid. Might display warnings. Args: param_name (str): name of parameter whose value must be changed. ''' param_value = self.params.get_parameter_value(param_name) if param_value: self.options[param_name].set(1)
[docs] def set_categorical_box(self, categorical_param): ''' Sets the value of Combobox with categorical category according to a given value if this value is in the list of values of this Combobox. If the given value is not in the list of values, a warning is displayed. Args: categorical_param (str): value of the categorical category. ''' if categorical_param in self.categorical_box.cget('values'): self.combobox_text_var.set(categorical_param) else: self._show_warning_combobox(categorical_param)
def _show_warning_combobox(self, categorical_param): ''' Displays a warning saying that a value of a given parameter is not a valid categorical category. Args: categorical_param (str): name of the categorical category. ''' showwarning('Warning', 'Category: <{0}> cannot be chosen as a ' 'categorical variable'. format(categorical_param))
[docs] def set_multi_tol(self): ''' Sets the value of Entry with multiplier model tolerance according to a given value if this value is valid (non-negative float). If the given value is invalid, a warning is displayed. ''' tol_str = self.params.get_parameter_value('MULTIPLIER_MODEL_TOLERANCE') try: tol = float(tol_str) if (tol < 0): self._show_multi_tol_warning(tol_str) self.multi_tol_strvar.set('0') else: self.multi_tol_strvar.set(tol_str) except ValueError: self._show_multi_tol_warning(tol_str) self.multi_tol_strvar.set('0')
def _show_multi_tol_warning(self, tol_str): ''' Displays a warning saying that a value of a multiplier model tolerance is invalid. Args: tol_str (str): value of the multiplier model tolerance. ''' showwarning('Warning', 'Value: <{0}> is not valid as a multiplier' ' model tolerance'. format(tol_str))
[docs] def on_multi_tol_change(self, *args): ''' Updates parameter MULTIPLIER_MODEL_TOLERANCE in the parameter object when the user modifies the content of the Entry widget that stores multiplier model tolerance. Args: *args: are provided by the StringVar trace method and are ignored in this method. ''' # this parameter will be validated before run tol_str = self.multi_tol_strvar.get() self.params.update_parameter('MULTIPLIER_MODEL_TOLERANCE', tol_str)
[docs] def on_check_box_click(self, var, name): ''' Updates parameter specified by the Checkbutton in the parameter object when the user clicks on the Checkbutton. Args: var (IntVar): IntVar of the Checkbutton. name (str): name of the parameter that is the key in options dictionary. ''' if var.get() == 1: self.params.update_parameter(name, 'yes') else: self.params.update_parameter(name, '')