Source code for pyDEA.core.gui_modules.categories_checkbox_gui

''' This module contains class responsible for displaying and
    configuring categories.

        MIN_COLUMN_WIDTH (int): minimum column width.
        MIN_COLUMN_WIDTH_NAME (int): minimum text width of the column.
        HEIGHT_WITHOUT_CHECKBOXES (int): widget height.
        COUNT_TO_NAME (dict of int to str): dictionary that maps index
            to parameter name.

from tkinter import W, E, S, N, LEFT, VERTICAL
from tkinter import IntVar, ALL
from tkinter.ttk import Frame, Label, Scrollbar
from tkinter.ttk import Separator, LabelFrame, Checkbutton

from pyDEA.core.gui_modules.scrollable_frame_gui import MouseWheel
from pyDEA.core.gui_modules.custom_canvas_gui import StyledCanvas

                 1: 'WEAKLY_DISPOSAL_CATEGORIES'}

[docs]class CategoriesCheckBox(LabelFrame): ''' This class implement a widget for displaying and configuring categories. Attributes: parent (Tk object): widget parent. frame_with_boxes (Frame): frame for check buttons. canvas (StyledCanvas): canvas for all objects of this widget. options (dict of str to list of IntVar and int): dictionary that maps category name to two IntVar objects that keep track of the state of check buttons and grid row index. The first check button is used for checking if category is non-discretionary. The second check button is used for checking if category is weakly disposal. nb_entries (int): total number of categories. add_headers (bool): if set to True, the widget displays column headers, if set to False column headers are not displayed. category_objects (dict of list of Tk objects): dictionary that maps category name to a list with three elements. The first element is Label with category name, the remaining elements are Checkbuttons used for non-discretionary and weakly disposal categories. params (Parameters): parameters of the model. category_type (str): INPUT_CATEGORIES or OUTPUT_CATEGORIES, defines type of categories (input or output). Args: parent (Tk object): widget parent. label_text (str): text that will be displayed on top of this widget. add_headers (bool): if set to True, the widget displays column headers, if set to False column headers are not displayed. params (Parameters): parameters of the model. category_type (str): INPUT_CATEGORIES or OUTPUT_CATEGORIES, defines type of categories (input or output). ''' def __init__(self, parent, label_text, add_headers, params, category_type, *args, **kw): LabelFrame.__init__(self, parent, text=label_text, *args, **kw) self.parent = parent self.frame_with_boxes = None self.canvas = None self.options = dict() self.nb_entries = 0 self.add_headers = add_headers self.category_objects = dict() self.params = params self.category_type = category_type self.create_widgets()
[docs] def create_widgets(self): ''' Creates widgets of this object. ''' yScrollbar = Scrollbar(self, orient=VERTICAL) yScrollbar.grid(row=2, column=3, sticky=N+S) canvas = StyledCanvas(self, height=HEIGHT_WITHOUT_CHECKBOXES, yscrollcommand=yScrollbar.set) self.canvas = canvas canvas.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky=N+E+W) self._config_columns(self) canvas.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) if self.add_headers: non_discr_lbl = Label(self, text='Non-\ndiscretionary') non_discr_lbl.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=3, pady=1) weakly_disp_lbl = Label(self, text='Weakly\ndisposable') weakly_disp_lbl.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=3, pady=1) sep = Separator(self) sep.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky=E+W, pady=10, padx=3) self.frame_with_boxes = Frame(canvas) self._config_columns(self.frame_with_boxes) self.frame_with_boxes.grid(sticky=N+S+W+E, pady=15, padx=3) canvas.create_window(0, 0, window=self.frame_with_boxes, anchor=N+W) canvas.update_idletasks() canvas['scrollregion'] = (0, 0, 0, HEIGHT_WITHOUT_CHECKBOXES) yScrollbar['command'] = canvas.yview MouseWheel(self).add_scrolling(canvas, yscrollbar=yScrollbar)
[docs] def add_category(self, category_name): ''' Adds a given category to this object. If the given category already exists, it won't be added again. Category names are assumed to be unique. Args: category_name (str): name of the category to add. ''' if category_name not in self.category_objects.keys(): categories = self.params.get_set_of_parameters(self.category_type) if category_name not in categories: categories.add(category_name) self.params.update_parameter(self.category_type, ';'.join(categories)) self.nb_entries += 1 row_index = self.nb_entries self.options[category_name] = [IntVar(), IntVar(), row_index] box = Label(self.frame_with_boxes, text=category_name, justify=LEFT, wraplength=MIN_COLUMN_WIDTH_NAME - 10) box.grid(row=row_index, column=0, sticky=W, padx=7, pady=5) btn = [] for count in range(2): check_btn = Checkbutton(self.frame_with_boxes, variable= self.options[category_name][count]) check_btn.config(command=(lambda count=count: self.on_select_box(box, count))) btn.append(check_btn) btn[count].grid(row=row_index, column=count + 1, pady=5) self.category_objects[category_name] = (box, btn[0], btn[1]) nd_categories = self.params.get_set_of_parameters( 'NON_DISCRETIONARY_CATEGORIES') if category_name in nd_categories: btn[0].invoke() wd_categories = self.params.get_set_of_parameters( 'WEAKLY_DISPOSAL_CATEGORIES') if category_name in wd_categories: btn[1].invoke() self.update_scroll_region()
[docs] def change_category_name(self, old_name, new_name): ''' Changes category name if such a category is present. Args: old_name (str): previous category name that should be changed. new_name (str): new category name. ''' if old_name in self.category_objects.keys(): self.category_objects[new_name] = self.category_objects.pop( old_name) self.category_objects[new_name][0].config(text=new_name) self.options[new_name] = self.options.pop(old_name) self.params.change_category_name(old_name, new_name)
[docs] def on_select_box(self, box, count): ''' This method is called when the user clicks on a Checkbutton. It updates corresponding parameters that must be changed after clicking on Checkbutton. Args: box (Label): Label that stores category name. count (int): index of the Checkbutton that distinguishes between Checkbuttons responsible for non-discretionary categories and weakly disposal categories. ''' param_name = COUNT_TO_NAME[count] category_name = box.cget('text') if self.options[category_name][count].get() == 1: value = self.params.get_parameter_value(param_name) if value: value += '; ' self.params.update_parameter(param_name, value + category_name) else: values = self.params.get_set_of_parameters(param_name) if category_name in values: values.remove(category_name) new_value = '; '.join(values) self.params.update_parameter(param_name, new_value)
def _destroy_category_boxes(self, category_name): ''' Destroys all widgets associated with a given category name. Args: category_name (str): category name. ''' for i in range(3): self.category_objects[category_name][i].destroy() row_index = self.options[category_name][2] for name, option in self.options.items(): row = option[2] if row > row_index: # re-grid all categories below removed category self.options[name][2] = row - 1 for i in range(3): self.category_objects[name][i].grid_remove() self.category_objects[name][i].grid(row=row - 1) self.options.pop(category_name) self.params.remove_category_from_params(self.category_type, category_name) self.params.remove_category_from_params('WEAKLY_DISPOSAL_CATEGORIES', category_name) self.params.remove_category_from_params('NON_DISCRETIONARY_CATEGORIES', category_name)
[docs] def remove_category(self, category_name): ''' Removes given category, destroys all widgets associated with this category and updates corresponding parameters. Args: category_name (str): category name. ''' if category_name in self.category_objects.keys(): self._destroy_category_boxes(category_name) self.category_objects.pop(category_name) self.update_scroll_region() self.nb_entries -= 1
[docs] def remove_all_categories(self): ''' Removes all categories. ''' for category_name in self.category_objects.keys(): self._destroy_category_boxes(category_name) self.update_scroll_region() self.category_objects.clear() self.nb_entries = 0
def _config_columns(self, frame): ''' Configures columns of a given frame. Args: frame (Frame): frame to configure. ''' frame.columnconfigure(0, minsize=MIN_COLUMN_WIDTH_NAME) frame.columnconfigure(1, minsize=MIN_COLUMN_WIDTH, weight=1) frame.columnconfigure(2, minsize=MIN_COLUMN_WIDTH, weight=1)
[docs] def update_scroll_region(self): ''' Updates scrolling region. ''' self.frame_with_boxes.update() self.canvas['scrollregion'] = self.canvas.bbox(ALL)